Thanks for being a SatelliteGuy, as you know Wednesday afternoon is normally known around here as "Uplink Day" and we don't expect today to be any different. Uplinks usually happen sometime between 1pm and 2pm Eastern Time. Our uplink reports are posted here to SatelliteGuys usually within minutes of the actual uplink activity occurring.
Some folks may be wondering how we generate the uplink report, its actually quite simple if you know how. Dish Network uses a standard called DVB in order for DVB (and your receivers to work) Dish Network needs to send out maps to their receivers, these maps are sent out in the clear. These maps are sometimes called the data stream. A number of folks have figured out how to read this data stream and extract the information from it. If you extract this data you can then save it as a file or database and then at a later time you can go again and capture the data again then compare it to the data you gathered earlier. This is what we do for our uplink report.
Our main uplink Guru, Digiblur has written a special utility that automates much of this process, in fact it processes, formats and exports our uplink report with the click of one button. We are proud of the work Digiblur has done on the uplink tool.
Again all this data is made available "in the clear" as part of the DVB standard, none of the data is scrambled of encrypted.
Over the past few days in our "Pub Member" area we have been discussing some new HD channels which a number of SatelliteGuys Staff members have stumbled upon. These HD channels are not part of the normal Dish Network mapping and thus are not listed in the uplink tables. The reception of these channels was done with legal DVB test equipment and software. This hardware and software is hard to find as it supports 8PSK and MPEG4. 4 of these new HD channels have been "in the clear" one of the channels however is scrambled and we only know about it because a number folks who work in the business notified us this channel was uplinked. No SatelliteGuys staff member has seen this one scrambled channel and we cannot independently verify that it is what we are told it is.
Now with how we do it out of the way lets talk about the 5 HD channels and todays expected uplink report.
While there are 5 HD channels up and in testing currently on Dish Network I do not expect to see all 5 this week, in fact it would not surprise me if none of these new HD channels were made available to customers this week.
As we have learned in the past while a channel is uplinked and is in testing there is no guarantee that customers will EVER see these channels. We have seen this happen in the past with such channels as Yes Network, INHD and other channels.
We here at SatelliteGuys have pointed out these 5 new HD channels to show you that Dish Network is not dead or sleeping that they are actively working to add new HD channels. When we will see these new channels is anyone's guess so please do not be disappointed at us if these channels do not appear immediately. We are just telling you whats "up there" its up to you to decide what you do with that information and what satellite of cable service is the best for your needs and wants.
No matter what happens for today's uplink report you can be assured that excited times are coming for HD fans.
Now a few words about "pub membership."
Being a Pub Member is becoming a supporter, folks who want to be a Pub Member should ONLY do so because they want to help support the site and keep the lights on. They should not join to learn rumors. The majority of the rumors posted here to SatelliteGuys are posted publicly, rumors for pub members are few and far between. Most of the time we do not have the luxury of posting rumors for supporting pub members because of timing, but for the new HD channels and the two other rumors we are discussing in the Pub Member area we decided that we had the time to post these rumors as a Thank You to our pub members.
There are other reasons why we release rumors first to Pub Members, and one of those reasons is we work damn hard to dig for information to bring these news items and rumors to our members. Nothing upsets us more then working for hours upon hours to bring you news only to have some scum from another website post the news like they were the ones who broke the news. By us posting some of this information first to our supporters it shows them what site works to bring them news and information, and it also shows these sites which sites are scum.
As I have been saying now for the past years, read it first at SatelliteGuys.US or read it someplace else days or weeks later. J
I personally work about 12 hours a day on SatelliteGuys, I spend a lot of time on the phone and sending emails digging for information for you, as if you are better informed then you can make better decisions on how to spend your hard earned money.
I am not the only one who works countless hours on this site, we have a staff of 25 who works countless hours to make us and keep us the internets most popular and trusted satellite information site.
Again (and I can't state this enough) please ONLY become a supporting Pub Member if you want to support the site. DO NOT become a Pub Member if you just want rumors, as your ultimately going to be disappointed, again 90% of the rumors we post we post publicly.
Running a site like SatelliteGuys is expensive, and this year the cost of keeping it going is going to increase as we will be buying and adding another server, besides the cost of the server we will need to rent additional rack space at our ISP for the server and pay for bandwidth for the new sever as well.
If you would like to help the cause and get more information on becoming a supporting Pub Member please click here. Thank you in advance for your support.
Over the past 4 years we have done things which has not been duplicated by any other site and I am proud of this and am proud that even though I consider us the best satellite site on the Internet that we keep pushing forward to make things even better for all.
I hope this explains better how it all works and why we do things the way we do. What we do here at SatelliteGuys, I honestly feel that we do better then any other site. I am proud of SatelliteGuys and am proud to be a SatelliteGuy!
Thank you for your support!
Some folks may be wondering how we generate the uplink report, its actually quite simple if you know how. Dish Network uses a standard called DVB in order for DVB (and your receivers to work) Dish Network needs to send out maps to their receivers, these maps are sent out in the clear. These maps are sometimes called the data stream. A number of folks have figured out how to read this data stream and extract the information from it. If you extract this data you can then save it as a file or database and then at a later time you can go again and capture the data again then compare it to the data you gathered earlier. This is what we do for our uplink report.
Our main uplink Guru, Digiblur has written a special utility that automates much of this process, in fact it processes, formats and exports our uplink report with the click of one button. We are proud of the work Digiblur has done on the uplink tool.
Again all this data is made available "in the clear" as part of the DVB standard, none of the data is scrambled of encrypted.
Over the past few days in our "Pub Member" area we have been discussing some new HD channels which a number of SatelliteGuys Staff members have stumbled upon. These HD channels are not part of the normal Dish Network mapping and thus are not listed in the uplink tables. The reception of these channels was done with legal DVB test equipment and software. This hardware and software is hard to find as it supports 8PSK and MPEG4. 4 of these new HD channels have been "in the clear" one of the channels however is scrambled and we only know about it because a number folks who work in the business notified us this channel was uplinked. No SatelliteGuys staff member has seen this one scrambled channel and we cannot independently verify that it is what we are told it is.
Now with how we do it out of the way lets talk about the 5 HD channels and todays expected uplink report.
While there are 5 HD channels up and in testing currently on Dish Network I do not expect to see all 5 this week, in fact it would not surprise me if none of these new HD channels were made available to customers this week.
As we have learned in the past while a channel is uplinked and is in testing there is no guarantee that customers will EVER see these channels. We have seen this happen in the past with such channels as Yes Network, INHD and other channels.
We here at SatelliteGuys have pointed out these 5 new HD channels to show you that Dish Network is not dead or sleeping that they are actively working to add new HD channels. When we will see these new channels is anyone's guess so please do not be disappointed at us if these channels do not appear immediately. We are just telling you whats "up there" its up to you to decide what you do with that information and what satellite of cable service is the best for your needs and wants.
No matter what happens for today's uplink report you can be assured that excited times are coming for HD fans.
Now a few words about "pub membership."
Being a Pub Member is becoming a supporter, folks who want to be a Pub Member should ONLY do so because they want to help support the site and keep the lights on. They should not join to learn rumors. The majority of the rumors posted here to SatelliteGuys are posted publicly, rumors for pub members are few and far between. Most of the time we do not have the luxury of posting rumors for supporting pub members because of timing, but for the new HD channels and the two other rumors we are discussing in the Pub Member area we decided that we had the time to post these rumors as a Thank You to our pub members.
There are other reasons why we release rumors first to Pub Members, and one of those reasons is we work damn hard to dig for information to bring these news items and rumors to our members. Nothing upsets us more then working for hours upon hours to bring you news only to have some scum from another website post the news like they were the ones who broke the news. By us posting some of this information first to our supporters it shows them what site works to bring them news and information, and it also shows these sites which sites are scum.
As I have been saying now for the past years, read it first at SatelliteGuys.US or read it someplace else days or weeks later. J
I personally work about 12 hours a day on SatelliteGuys, I spend a lot of time on the phone and sending emails digging for information for you, as if you are better informed then you can make better decisions on how to spend your hard earned money.
I am not the only one who works countless hours on this site, we have a staff of 25 who works countless hours to make us and keep us the internets most popular and trusted satellite information site.
Again (and I can't state this enough) please ONLY become a supporting Pub Member if you want to support the site. DO NOT become a Pub Member if you just want rumors, as your ultimately going to be disappointed, again 90% of the rumors we post we post publicly.
Running a site like SatelliteGuys is expensive, and this year the cost of keeping it going is going to increase as we will be buying and adding another server, besides the cost of the server we will need to rent additional rack space at our ISP for the server and pay for bandwidth for the new sever as well.
If you would like to help the cause and get more information on becoming a supporting Pub Member please click here. Thank you in advance for your support.
Over the past 4 years we have done things which has not been duplicated by any other site and I am proud of this and am proud that even though I consider us the best satellite site on the Internet that we keep pushing forward to make things even better for all.
I hope this explains better how it all works and why we do things the way we do. What we do here at SatelliteGuys, I honestly feel that we do better then any other site. I am proud of SatelliteGuys and am proud to be a SatelliteGuy!
Thank you for your support!