Toshiba's Response to Warner's Announcement

Toshiba was one of the classiest players in this mess. Warner even mentioned that they wanted to continue their relationship with Toshiba despite pulling the rug from under them.
Good ridance to this war and HD - DVD I say... I say that having JUST purchased the new Samsung combo unit... I took a hit, but I do think HD DVD needs to go....
Holy poo batman.. Warner was paid $500 MILLION to switch?!!?!! wow.. blu-ray weenies were upset with the 150 paramount got.. plus FOX was paided an undisclosed amount... OUCH.. 50 dollar blu-ray discs comes up soon.. :)
Screw 'em all

Physical media? A dying delivery system. I may have some HD-DVD discs, but I look to the future as being downloadable, deliverable over dish (or cable) to my DVR and hard drive. When it comes down to it, technology has already outstripped the need for Blu-Ray or HD-DVD. Most of my HD movie collection now resides on the hard drive, and that's what most people will be doing really soon.
What flavor was that kool-aid M$ gave you?

The internet infrastructure is not ready to support this on a widespread basis. It's a dream for some time years in the future. Actually, it's a nightmare because they will be "rentals" not owned.

Optical media does not crash or self-destruct. Very rarely does an optical disc go bad.
Holy poo batman.. Warner was paid $500 MILLION to switch?!!?!! wow.. blu-ray weenies were upset with the 150 paramount got.. plus FOX was paided an undisclosed amount... OUCH.. 50 dollar blu-ray discs comes up soon.. :)

Warner's spokesman joked to the reporter wanting to know where they could collect the insane rumored amount of money. The WSJ reported Sony gave Warner marketing allowances. $500 million would be big news if it were true.
What flavor was that kool-aid M$ gave you?

The internet infrastructure is not ready to support this on a widespread basis. It's a dream for some time years in the future. Actually, it's a nightmare because they will be "rentals" not owned.

Optical media does not crash or self-destruct. Very rarely does an optical disc go bad.

You can rant all you want...see the future, Danny. I've heard this from your ilk before, and it's always been proven wrong. If you missed it, I said dish and cable delivery to hard drive, and I own those movies now, and can store them on my drives. If I dump one company for another, I can find a way to transfer them using temp discs and a computer. It's all the rage now, you know. As to the net, it's more robust than you think. I work with it every day building videos to send over the fiber.
You can rant all you want...see the future, Danny. I've heard this from your ilk before, and it's always been proven wrong. If you missed it, I said dish and cable delivery to hard drive, and I own those movies now, and can store them on my drives. If I dump one company for another, I can find a way to transfer them using temp discs and a computer. It's all the rage now, you know. As to the net, it's more robust than you think. I work with it every day building videos to send over the fiber.

And you think that will really work?
Give me a break, their HDD dies on them= they are screwed, do you think they will pay again to download the same contents? I don't think so.
Your idea is many years away from where technology is at now. (In terms that is doable right now, but it will be so much money, and not many people will do this)
I am sorry to break it down to you, but do you think people have the patience of waiting 4-6 hours to download a movie in HD? No.
Until people get a steady 10mbps+ connection, and servers that supply movies have unlimited bandwidth + upload speed, I dubt that will happen anytime soon.
I am not sure where you come from, but bandwidth is expensive, servers are expensive, techs are expensive, and other things are expensive.

Is it time to start counting HD-DVD's Days?

HD DVD Group Cancels CES Event
