Cinemax for 1 year for .01 w/ autopay/paperless billing

I could not get it as I am also being billed through my phone company. I was offered three free months as a consolation, however. I can cancel at any time during the three months.
Well, according to the CSR I just spoke too, I cannot sign up for this plan since my bill goes through my phone company and my phone company bills me directly with my internet and phone service. So if anyone has success getting this promotion when not being billed directly through Dish let me know! I want this promotion!!!

Yup. Tried the online chat at first, but they couldn't pull up my account because I'm bundled with my local telco (Embarq). When I tried the 888 number he gave me, the CSR said I was ineligable due to the bundling. :(

I took the opportunity to send back my never-used SD receiver and sign up for DVR advantage, though, so I guess it wasn't a total wash.
I guess they will do anything to cut the printing and mailing expenses. I bet what it costs them to print and mail a monthly statement is higher than the per-sub cost of Cinemax.
i was going to sign up for dvr advantage but didn't want to sign another 18 month committment, i just signed up for an 18 month committment 2 months ago when I got the HD up and running. I can't believe they don't sign you up for the package if you are eligible for it when you sign up. I have AT200, Dish HD and one 722. Didnt even mention it. a$$holes. I didn't know any better back then. They are now getting about 3.50 more a month from me. Not a lot, but hey, every little bit helps (them!)
If you are not billed directly by Dish Network (i.e. through at&t or other telco partners), you are NOT eligible for this deal.

But as I was on the phone, the CSR changed me from AT250/Locals/DVR to DVR Advantage with AT250 add-on and saved me $4/month... nothing wrong with that!
Here's my story. I tried to sign up for AutoPay, Paperless billing, and DVR Advantage thru the online chat, but the CSR told me I had to call the 800 number as this promotion was not available thru the chat. I called the number, luckily got a CSR that I could understand, and signed up. She told me that if I kept my credit card active for autopay, I would not have to agree to the 18 month commitment! That's cool with me.
I can't believe the luck of some of you to get this quickly and painlessly. I went thru chat and was told I was eligible for the promo, but I had to call to get it. Then I got a CSR who was dumber than a box of rocks. When all was said and done, he told me that I now had the annual Cinemax for a penny, but because of proration, my first months bill would be higher??? And even though I reminded him repeatedly that he would need a credit card to put me on autopay, he never asked me for my card. So I'm not sure where this goes from here. This guy was like a robot who was only programmed for certain responses and was confused if he got input that was not in his programming.
Great Find! I will pass this on to my retailers so they can look into it. Perhaps they can add this to their sales toolbag and clinch a few deals that might have been a heartbeat away from being sold. More install work for me if it pans out. Cool.
A call to 1-800-333-DISH, 1 for Billing, and then 0 for CSR.

Late night usually gets very cooperative CSRs, and tonight was no exception. He had to contact a different department to do the "application", but I have it on already.

(I already have Paperless, Autopay and DVR Advantage, for reference.)

Upcoming HD on Cinemax:

Star Wars III (Wednesday)
American Beauty
Magnum Force (Dirty Harry/Clint)
Jet Li's Fearless
Superman Returns
King Kong
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Matrix Reloaded

and a bunch of ones that others might like, but did not catch my attention.

And plenty of "soft core" (such as soft core take off on Indiana Jones)...

Thanks to the OP !
well, I had it 3 months ago, and I called last night, and fortunately they didnt see "any record" of me ever having Cinemax, so I got the 2 years for 1 cent per year, with paperless billing...not too happy about Dish doing autodeduct, but i will give them a shot..
I called last night and was told I qualify, but since I have an install scheduled for next week ... I need to call back after that, but it was .01 a year for two years !! Thanks for the tip !!!
My request was "denied" because I was double-billed by Dish Network and, after several weeks and numerous promises by E* to return our money, I finally had our credit card company chargeback the funds to our card. Leave it to Dish Network to piss off a "most valued customer" who always pays his bill within a day or two of being electronically posted and more than two weeks before due date.

Adios Dish Network! I have stomached DishHD-Lite, I can tolerate poor customer service, but I cannot deal with being treated like a deadbeat because they cannot unscrew their billing error. It looks like I will be selling my three 622s and PocketDish soon.
I don't believe you have to commit to anything for DVR advantage. I did it over the phone about 6 months ago and didn't sign or agree to anything that I remember.

This is correct, confirmed with one of the ceo@dishnetwork support folks, no commitment to switch to DVR Adv.

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