Seattle HD Locals

rixhd; said:
Although some, like me, are able to pick up 61.5 until they resolve the problem.

I used to be able to do that. But I'd really PO my neighbor (think growing evergreen and a chainsaw) to remedy the situation.
I know what you mean. Fortunately my neighbor is cooperative. The angle is really shallow for 61.5 and if the terrain don't getcha then the weather will. I still lose some of my channels once in awhile, but not nearly as bad as on 129. At my age I don't want to be giving away too many years but 2008 can't get here fast enough for me.
I guess I'm one of the lucky few. I'm on a hill near Manchester looking east over Puget Sound toward SeaTac. If my neighbor below keeps trimming his tree I should be good 'till '08. He's a biking buddy so the odds are in my favor.

I like a lot of the Fox programming but since I got HD my plate is plenty full of HD stuff. I have my favorites set on HD and rarely watch Fox SD anymore. My only limitation so far has been hard drive space and not enough tuners to pick it all up. I just ordered a 722 to replace my old 721 yesterday. Combined with my 622 I'll have 4 (actually 6 with On Air) HD tuners and over 80 HD hours to gather even more HD programming.

Fox is getting left in the dust and they don't even know it.
long_time_DNC; said:
Agreed, 129 is a real pain and there's no possibility for 61.5 at my location...large trees and a very tall hill that's within a half mile. I hope the new sat locations will work for us PNW folks...

I took a risk last week and went up to the roof and tried to swing the 24" off 129 over to 61.5 but no luck. Was glad that I could reaquire 129 with the same numbers as before talking over the cordless with my 10 year old.

Thought this thread was interesting:

I've placed an order for the 30" (Winegard 2077 30) that kstuart mentions. Got my fingers crossed that it works.
I'm pretty satisfied with my 24" dish for 129. I rarely get dropouts anymore (with any channels on TP27 being the biggest exception). We'll see what happens when the fall/winter rains set in...I may change my tune then, if the dropouts increase.

I want KCPQ-HD, but I'm not changing providers to get it. I'll be patient...
I received an email from Tribune that they are no longer optimistic that Dish wll be providing KCPQ in HD. This is disappointing. I've email my contact at Dish to ask her how Dish can convince me to stay without the World Seriies and Seattle Seahawks in HD. We've been patient but this is no way to treat a customer.
Here's the response from Tribune:

I will just give you the bad news rather than have you have to contact me. I have heard nothing on this issue. I know that it is difficult to understand why this cannot be resolved---I cannot discuss the details of the negotiations—even the few facts that I am aware of—but I realize that it is much easier for viewers to assume that we are the bad guys in this situation so I just have to bite my tongue. We are on Directv—and Comcast—but DISH, …

I will keep you posted.

I have sent an email to expressing my disappointment.

At this time, depending on Ms. Romero's response, I will most likely make the decision to leave Dish after 6 years. Having a couple of extra channels in HD (Most of what's on VOOM I don't watch) does not make up for not offering Fox in HD. We all have choices.
I have to admit I took a look a D and haven't ruled it out yet. HDD storage happened at just the right time to make me lean more towards E. It does help that I can see KCPQ-OTA (most of the time). If the 30 inch dish gives me reliable signal I'll be staying. I know what I've got with E. It would be expensive to make the jump (I'd want to match my current 2 622's with 2 HR20's). And I wouldn't want to make another lengthy committment before the dust settles on what HD D will ACTUALLY offer and how it compares to E both in quantity and PQ.
I'll stick with E*. I can't afford to switch to D*, Comcast here is way too expensive here (and the PQ isn't as good) and besides...when 02/09 rolls around, we'll get KCPQ in HD or not at all when their analog side goes away.

However, I do plan to send ceo and dishquality an email expressing my disappointment at yet another NFL season without KCPQ in HD...
Just sent my note off to ceo. Again.

I wonder about 2/09, though. Three thoughts on this. I'm not sure how it works:

1. D*, E*, and Comcast are all sending a digital signal for KCPQ to their subscribers (assuming that by 2/09 there won't be any analog cable left). Therefore, those carriers will be excited to get a digital signal from KCPQ as it will make their retransmission easier. At that point, therefore, they won't have an analog signal at all and Dish will have to send us the digital one from KCPQ - the digital HD signal we all want.

2. D*, E*, and Comcast are already converting an analog signal from KCPQ and so they'd want KCPQ (and all local affiliates) to keep making one available to them. That way they don't have to do anything in order to retransmit the signal over their digital networks and they still get to send SD (low bandwidth 480i) to everyone.

3. On 2/09, KCPQ starts sending out an SD digital signal (480p, I would assume) OTA, and that's what gets picked up by D*, E*, and Comcast. Then we still don't get HD.

Someone must have thought of what's going to happen for non-OTA retransmission when the OTA signal goes digital. I just wonder if we as consumers of non-OTA signals will see anything b/c of the switch.
From a logistics stand-point, it really wouldn't make sense for KCPQ to continue to transmit both an analog and digital signal after the 2/09 cutover date. Why maintain two transmitters when you don't have to?

D*, E* and Comcast are all vying to be HD leaders and gain subs. An SD signal from KCPQ doesn't help them attract subs interested in HD (which seems to be a growing number - a good thing).

All things considered, I'd prefer to see option 1 happen.

Did you get a response from ceo (though I honestly wouldn't expect one on the weekend)?
I agree it doesn't make sense to maintain two transmitters, but I'm wondering if the signal leaving KCPQ and going to Dish is in fact being sent by a transmitter in the same manner that their signal is going out OTA. For some reason I imagine three special outputs at the station that send the signal for retransmission that is separate from what goes OTA. If that's the case, they could change the OTA without changing the other.

No response from ceo, but yeah, sent it today (Saturday). They're usually pretty good about responding (though often with boilerplate), and I made sure to mention the "11-year Dish subscriber" in the first paragraph ;-). Back when I started with Dish I needed an antenna just to get the locals at all (analog) and I made it very clear that I didn't want to go through that again in the age of HD.

Hoping that my OTA antenna does the job tomorrow during the Hawks game, though I'll be recording the SD channel just in case.
I wrote ceo this morning (Saturday), and asked them to please reply, but with something other than the standard response "we're in negotiations...". It'll be interesting to see what, if any, response I get. I'm not holding my breath. I've been with E* for over 9 years and they're quite aware of it. ;)

I hope your OTA antenna does the job tomorrow!
Managed to get through the game OTA just fine. I think there was one or two drop outs, but then it came right back - hovering at about 70 or 71 on the signal strength. Though even in HD things weren't looking good (for the Hawks) in that first quarter. Glad they got things turned around!

My ceo note, too, included the same kind of note:

"I appreciate your time reading this letter and since you made it to the end, I'd like to ask you one more favor. Please do not provide a boilerplate "we're working on it - the problem is with Tribune" answer. We're well past that - 18 months past that. If you cannot provide a real answer and get this done, please find someone who can, someone who can give me a more constructive answer."

Maybe a bit too harsh, looking at it now, but, jeez, we gotta get a resolution on this!
In Portland during the game and I can confirm they broadcast Seahawks in HD. The only problem was they didn't show the first two minutes because they showed the tail end of the Packers/Eagles game.

Was glad for that because OTA recording from KCPQ had lots of LOS especially during the 2nd half.
Got my response fro Linda G. in the "Executive Communications Team." When I said "If you cannot provide a real answer and get this done, please find someone who can" I think she took that to heart:

Unfortunately we don't have any positive news to share. We understand
his frustration and desire to have the local FOX in HD. We certainly
aimed to have this station up before the beginning of the NFL season so
that our customers could watch the Seahawks in HD. We are still in
active negotiations with Tribune and aim to have a resolution in place
prior to the end of the NFL season.

If you are content with our other service and programming then you may
want to investigate the "lifeline cable" service. This service is
provided by cable companies which deliver only local stations (not sure
about the availability of these stations in HD under "lifeline".)

Note that it says "his frustration" in the first sentence and I just get a feeling that someone responded to Linda and she cut-and-pasted the reply on to me. Also, the subject line had my name it in - with my last name misspelled in a way that's common if someone isn't looking closely. If hers what just a reply, that probably wouldn't have happened.

Anyway, I don't know if I should be encouraged by their "aim to have a resolution in place prior to the end of the NFL season" or if that's just more BS, esp. with what we've heard on this thread from the folks at Tribune.
We have the ultimate leverage. We can turn off the TV. While idealistic, I'm sure Dish and Tribune would find a solution if nobody watches Tribune's channels.

If I choose to watch the game in SD, and at the same time tell both Tribune and Dish they should agree to retransmission rights, have I indicated to both sides that I'll watch the game as is?


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