The Solid Signal Blog

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This is a rough time for marine installers. I know as well as you do. 20 years ago you could charge what you needed to charge and practically everything you put on a boat needed your special touch. Today, there’s more DIY than ever, and because people are used to doing a lot for themselves at home, they think they can do it themselves on the boat as well. Sometimes, let’s be honest, that works out for you. The customer who gets themselves into a jam will pay you to get them out of one. You can sometimes even charge more for that kind of service. But you can’t count on it. While you’re out there hustling for new work, you have so much to worry about. It’s not just the DIYers, it’s the economy, the supply chain, heck you don’t need me to...
I must be the last person on the planet to get Hulu’s much-heralded new user interface. I mean seriously folks, they told me back in April to expect a new UI. So, I finally got it this week. In fairness I might have gotten it last week. Hulu has been a bit of a wasteland lately as far as I am concerned, so I haven’t used it a lot. By now you’ve all seen it, so I’m not going to go into a review. I can’t resist posting one screencap, but that’s about it. I just want to document that I actually got the thing. Here’s the problem Hulu seems to have forgotten most of what it knew about me. It forgot about half the shows in my “Continue Watching” list. It thinks instead that I would like to watch… well you can see the list up top. Big...
Be honest… is your password still the name of your high school crush? If you’re like most of us you still use a password from your dial-up modem days, especially for sites like Amazon where you’ve been shopping for a long time. It’s a pain to change your password and it’s a pain to remember a new one. We all understand. But there are a lot of hackers out there and if they can access your facebook settings, your amazon account, and a little freely-available information, they can take control of your life, ruin relationships with your friends, trash your finances and make your miserable. Isn’t that worth a little inconvenience now and then? Here’s what to do Take the opportunity around the time school ends every year to change your...
Well, simply, it’s what you see in the image above. “Panel antenna” is a term for any antenna that sits tall instead of wide. This particular antenna is a TV antenna, but panel antennas are used for a wide variety of things. Here’s another one. This is a panel antenna too… except this antenna is designed for special purpose point-to-point purposes. Panel antennas are used in cellular, in Wi-Fi, and in almost any case where the frequency is higher than 500MHz. Panel antennas work better in high-frequency applications for several reasons. First of all, in order to work properly in a low-frequency application like FM radio or VHF TV, the panel antenna would really have to be gigantic in order to work. The lower the frequency, the...
There’s a saying that goes, those who do not remember the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them. I personally think this applies strongly to fashion, as the current trend for crop tops attests. But that’s not really the subject of this article. This article is about stereograms. If you were around in the 1990s, you might call these Magic Eye pictures, from the popular book series at the time. Computer technology made them possible at that point, and people just obsessed over them for a short time. And then, just as quickly, faded away. Well, they’re back. Or at least I’ve rediscovered them. And I’m sharing my discovery with you. What is a stereogram? This is a stereogram. More precisely, it’s an autostereogram...
I remember the day that DIRECTV rolled the HR44 Genie out to the public. It was at the 2013 CES show and I blogged about it at the time. The HR44 was a big upgrade from the original HR34 Genie, in speed and in form factor. That’s pretty evident by the number of HR44s still in service today. On the other hand, the HR34 Genie has been discontinued for years. The HR44’s time at the top of the heap was short. Its successor, the HR54, came out just two years later. At the time, few people understood the real difference between the two. It looked, in fact, like the HR54 was just an HR44 with the front panel removed. Nothing could be further from the truth. The HR54 packs a faster processor, more memory, and additional tuner capacity to be...
Timing is everything. But then again, I’m not the first person to say that. When I look back at the stuff I’ve written on this blog, there are a lot of articles about things that were simply before their time. In this case, I’m talking about AT&T Watch TV, a service you’ve either never heard of or completely forgotten. Take a minute to jog your memory Jake Buckler, scoundrel that he is, told us all about AT&T Watch TV when it launched in 2018. It was a simple idea. About 30 channels of live TV, streaming only, for about $15 a month. It was even cheaper if you had one of AT&T’s top cellular plans… in fact it was free and you got to select a free premium channel too. And honestly, these weren’t garbagey channels like some of the ones...
Look folks, I’m a real fan of DIRECTV’s Gemini boxes. They are the smallest, most powerful, and most energy-efficient boxes that DIRECTV has ever offered. They do the things that customers today demand. But even though I’m a fan, I’m also willing to admit that the folks at DIRECTV haven’t made it easy for you to know what you need. Most of the folks who get Geminis will be new customers. As they sign up, they’ll be guided through a process that will make sure that they get what they need. But, that’s not a lot of help for our Solid Signal customers. I know that you shop at because you want to do it yourself. And, because you’re among the most devoted DIRECTV customers, you want to upgrade to the latest and greatest. As...
I talk a lot on this blog about grounding. I do it because it’s important, because I genuinely believe people don’t ground their stuff when they should. Proper grounding will help your home stay safe in a storm by allowing electricity to dissipate instead of building up. In the case of a lightning strike, it will also provide a path for lightning to safely go away from the house. Grounding won’t stop some of the damage that comes from a lightning strike, but it will help a lot. The basics of grounding Note: It can be confusing to use the word “ground,” because it refers to the act of grounding, the circuit that is used for grounding, and the surface of the earth. In this article I will use the word “dirt” when I mean the surface of...
Reprinted with permission from the Viasat blog. Viasat’s new president, K. Guru Gowrappan, brings insights from his personal passions to his career and role as a leader. Viasat President K. Guru Gowrappan When K. Guru Gowrappan joined Viasat as president, becoming responsible for the company’s global operations and growth strategy, he brought more than his professional experience as former CEO of Verizon Media Group to the role. He also brought his personal passions, which have helped drive his career path through the years. One example of this is his work as a board member at, a global non-profit organization working to bring water and sanitation to the word. A strong environmental advocate, Guru saw an analogy between...
Let’s get straight to it. It’s pretty simple, actually. You have the right to put up any antenna or dish smaller than 1 meter (39″) in any dimension, in your private area, whether or not the HOA can see it. Period. It’s called the Over-The-Air Reception Devices rule (OTARD) and the FCC passed to make sure that you were protected from HOA and condo board abuse. A couple of details If you own your home then you have the absolute right to put up that small antenna anywhere on the house and to drill holes to your heart’s content. There are no restrictions to that at all. If you share a wall or part of your dwelling is considered common property (like in a condo if the roof is shared) then you have to get permission to drill but there is...
DIRECTV can be a great addition to any investment planning office. There are many great reasons why satellite TV benefits your clients and your staff. Are you a finance officer who has thought about adding DIRECTV to your investment office? If so, then you’re really on to something here. The satellite TV service is a great addition to any financial planning office’s lobby, breakroom, and personal office space. It entertains your guests and your team while providing you with up-to-date financial information at any given moment. There are many great reasons to have DIRECTV at your office and no good reasons not to, as you will see. Signal Connect: the Commercial Satellite TV Experts If you’re considering a commercial DIRECTV account...
Spam killed voice calls. You know it and I know it. A generation ago, it was exciting to get a call on your cell phone. You looked forward to it. And then, slowly, the robocalls started coming. “We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warrranty,” they said. “You can cut your energy costs in half with a new federal program,” they promised. By the late ’10s I barely knew anyone who actually answered a voice call unless they knew the number. It was a waste of time. And besides, we’d learned the joy of texting. Unless you were a teen in the ’00s you probably didn’t text a lot back then. It was hard to do with those older phones. Quite a workout for your thumbs. So, few of us did it. But with smartphones and full keyboards...
July 30 – August 5, 1994 This week Ken welcomes actor (Succession, The Walking Dead: World Beyond, Rubicon) and all around fascinating human Natalie Gold to the show for her first ever podcast. Ken and Natalie discuss YouTuber Natalie Gold, having the same name as somebody else, social media, how Miami isn’t Florida, growing up in Florida, Emerson College, Burn Notice, being a local child actor, Sheena Easton, rave theater, running lines with Jeff Goldblum, Ernest Saves Christmas, showing your children media, Christmas Vacation, shared interest friends, getting obsessed with Soaps, how OJ Simpson ruined so many things, Days of our Lives, turning into a panther, demonic possession, manning the complaint line, moving to NYC...
Regional Sports Networks are those channels that let you see your local teams on pay TV. Some, like YES and NESN, have been consistent successes. However most regional sports networks today are on the ropes. There are a lot of folks, myself included, who think that most of them will go out of business in the next few years. And honestly, I’m looking forward to it. How we got into this mess Back in the late 20th century (a phrase which makes me groan whenever I type it), pretty much all televised sports was available for free on local TV. Yes, some games were blacked out then much as they are now. But of those games that were televised, they were televised for free. If you wanted to see the Celtics and the Lakers battle it out in the...

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