The Solid Signal Blog

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The receiver you see above you is KVH’s M10 marine receiver. Take a good look at it, and if it doesn’t look familiar to you, thank your lucky stars. If it does, it’s time to say goodbye. The story of the M10 Satellite television for mobile and marine was pretty new in 2005 when this receiver was created. In many ways, it was still the “wild wild west” of mobile satellite. Different companies were trying new things, figuring out what worked and what didn’t. Then, as now, most satellite systems used a separate antenna control unit that did the work of controlling the dish. This is the way that practically every mobile satellite antenna has worked since. (The exceptions, like KING’s satellite systems, have the antenna control hardware...
in the big picture, there are two kinds of DIRECTV customers: residential and commercial. Which are you? Sometimes it’s hard to know for sure. After all the equipment all looks the same and acts the same. The prices for the programming are about the same. So does it really matter? Here’s why it really does matter Commercial customers and residential customers are different, not because DIRECTV wants them to be, but because they have no choice. It comes down to copyright. We’ve all seen that slide at one point or another that says something like, “The broadcast is the property of the National Football League and is licensed for private use only.” Or something like that. It’s not just the NFL. It’s all content providers, whether they...
The RV community is finally getting wise to cell phone signal boosters. It used to be that an RV was designed for “getting away from it all,” but that term doesn’t mean what it once did. We don’t want to get away from the internet, as much as we say we do. We want to stay connected. Sometimes it’s even a requirement. People who work remotely are free to do their work in an RV, but only if they have an internet connection. The problem with RVs is, they’re almost perfectly designed to block cell signals. From the fiberglass on the outside, the metal frame, the wiring, and even the hardwood cabinets, it’s a wonder that any cell signals get in at all, honestly. But that’s where cell phone signal boosters come in. They take signals from...
This week, I’d like to dive back into the archives and talk about a movie that you’ve either forgotten or never heard of. It’s streaming on the Roku channel, which is why I’m talking about it today. Note: This film isn’t new, so I’m going to be a little loose with spoilers here. Looker, written and directed by Michael Crichton, is a fairly stock standard tech-adventure tale. The story is fairly straightforward: a plastic surgeon turns detective when he discovers that an evil corporation is making young women get plastic surgery and then killing them. Along the way, there’s all the typical shenanigans of this sort of film, from exaggerated special effects to evil henchmen to scantily clad women falling from buildings. Talking about...
When it comes to home entertainment, streaming is extremely popular. No matter what someone’s primary source of TV entertainment is, almost everyone invites a streaming service into their home. People who like original movies and series tend to get Netflix and/or Amazon Prime, while TV show and second-run movie junkies flock to Hulu, etc. As popular as streaming is, have you ever wondered why you never see these services in bars, pubs, or restaurants? There are a few reasons for this, which Signal Connect is happy to share with bar owners. Commercial Streaming Isn’t a Thing… Yet There’s a lot of technology that goes into making streaming happen. There are also plenty of laws, rules, and contracts, and the lawyers to enforce them...
Thanks to the eagle-eyed folks at SatelliteGuys.US who noticed this before I did. The deal is done. Commercial customers who want NFL Sunday Ticket will be able to get it through DIRECTV as they always have. According to the press release available at, the company has reached an agreement with EverPass Media, holders of commercial rights for NFL Sunday Ticket, which will keep the package on Satellite TV for years to come. Owners of bars and restaurants can now breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the quality television service they’ve enjoyed for over 20 years will continue. A lot of establishments count on live sports to bring customers in and keep them in their seats. Your typical sports bar more or less makes it their...
Satellite TV may not be the hot new tech, but it still gives great value. When you look at what you get, it’s a much better value than a bunch of streaming apps. In fact, DIRECTV offers crystal-clear high-definition and 4K pictures and Dolby Digital sound. Yet there are people who are afraid to upgrade, or once they do they just watch the standard definition version of a channel anyway. But Why? There are people who will swear that they need standard definition channels because they are more resistant to rain fade. That’s kinda true, but mostly not true. Standard definition signals come from the satellite at a lower frequency (referred to as the Ku band) and those Ku band frequencies do a better job penetrating the clouds than the...
Occasionally I will do something really geeky like look back at my browser history for no reason. When I do, I sometimes find things I’ve read that I enjoyed. Generally I’ve completely forgotten about them. Here’s one such case. While looking through the history, I ran into this article. It used to over at Paleofuture, where I used to like to hang out on Fridays instead of doing work. Gizmodo sort of took over that site at one point I guess. At any rate, the article claims that one of the weird and wonderful inventions of the 1930s was essentially a one-eye VR headset. Because the article is lacking pictures it must have had at one point, I had to go looking. This ended up being an hourlong rabbit hole while I should have been...
Signal Connect does more RV satellite activations than anyone else in the world. When you do them all day long, you get all sorts of requests. Some people want a tailgate setup, others want a system that works while you’re moving. Some what the ultimate experience while others are content just to watch something on a small screen. No matter how you enjoy your own RV, it’s always going to be the right way. This time I want to talk to people who want killer sound from their RV satellite system. It’s possible, of course, but only if you have the right equipment. This is the right equipment DISH offers a manufacturer-approved way to get great sound from your Wally receiver. Check out this DISH Wireless Audio Bluetooth USB Adapter for...
Everyone loves to talk about Starlink. I’ll be honest with you, it seems like really cool technology. It’s certainly going through some growing pains, though, and that means I still can’t recommend it to the majority of our marine customers. Why? Take a look at this information (data gathered May 8, 2023 and may not be accurate when you read this: Cost of marine equipment (before installation) $2,500 Lowest priced internet plan: $220/month Neither of those numbers accounts for installation, weatherproofing, the cost of an empty dome to make the Starlink equipment look like it belongs there, and that’s really not the biggest problem. Here’s the biggest problem. You might end up spending that same amount next year. Starlink is an...
I’ll admit that by 2018 I was pretty much done with picture-in-picture. That’s why I wrote this article, probably one of the more passive-aggressive ones on this blog. It’s worth a read now that you know that, because you’ll detect the buried rage at having to answer questions about PIP for the three people in the world who seemed to care about it. Oops, there I go getting passive-aggressive again. The promise of PIP Picture-in-picture debuted in a lot of TV sets in the early ’10s as manufacturers tried to get people to replace their 3-4 year old flatscreens. TV makers had gotten very rich very quickly thanks to new technology that everyone wanted, and PIP was one of the things they hoped to use to entice people to keep buying. They...
Phones today are more expensive than ever. Apple and Samsung’s top-line offers are well over $1,500. That’s a record, unless you count the luxury offerings from Vertu, which are tarted-up Androids with luxury materials that can top $20,000. I don’t count them because they are not mainstream products and never will be. So, if you close your eyes and think about the that superphone you’ve bought, sooner or later you’ll hear the voice of a parent or grandparent saying “so, is it any better at making calls?” Here’s the tough pill to swallow: it probably isn’t. Superpowered phones are actually probably worse at making calls than a 1990s flip phone. Why? First of all older phones had pull-out antennas or big external antennas that did a...
This one goes out to those relatively few people who don’t like the new Gemini remote. I get it, folks, it’s a new thing. And maybe it’s not your cup of tea. If you’ve been using an older DIRECTV remote or a universal remote for a long time, you’re comfortable with it. But, there are some things you’ll need to be aware of. 1. You’ll need to use the remote in IR mode. Universal remotes and the older DIRECTV remotes can communicate with the Gemini in IR mode only. They’re not compatible with the Gemini’s Bluetooth technology. That means you may have to point the remote a little more carefully. If you have an existing remote, you may need to reset it so it uses infrared, not RF. Here’s a tutorial to help you do that. 2. Some of the...
Don’t take your Genie DVR on the road, unless you have a dish that can work with it. Most mobile and marine dishes mimic the round DIRECTV dish seen on homes in the 1990s, not the Slimline style seen today. Genies just won’t work with that style dish unfortunately. Here’s the issue Several years ago, DIRECTV changed their installation screens so that you couldn’t select the 18″ round dish when setting up a Genie DVR. They did it as part of an overall upgrade that allows Genie DVRs to detect and set their dish types automatically, and to cut down on customer service calls. Since the round dish can only get standard definition programming anyway (with a very small number of exceptions) it didn’t seem like a good fit for the Genie...
Here’s the kind of problem that I hope to have some day. I hope to have a boat so big that I need to worry that one cell booster isn’t going to cover it. It sounds like the stuff that dreams are made of, right? But the struggle is real, and I’ve been asked this very question multiple times. In order to understand the answer, you need a little background. Why boats have bad cell reception It is, in fact, a myth that boats have bad cell reception. Cell reception on the water is much better than it is on land. Where you need to be 1.5-2 miles from a cell tower on land, you can often be as much as 10 miles away from a tower if you’re on the water. It comes down to all that open space between you and the towers. The signal isn’t being...
February 15-21, 2003 This week Ken welcomes comedian and man behind the solo show “Solo: A Show about Friendship”, Gabe Mollica. Ken and Gabe discuss what they would be talking about anyway, not being comedians talking about comedy, how Edinburgh ruined Gabe’s life but he has to go back, long form stand up, growing up on Long Island, ridding yourself of your regional accent, Ken’s all time favorite stand up special Johnny Vegas; Who’s Ready for Ice Cream, John Cleese, performing for nobody, celebrating a 100th/200th/300th episode, The Simpsons, syndication, home town people never leaving, Long Beach NY, bad UK pizza, missing cannolis, corner Sicilians, what you’d watch as a kid vs what you’d watch now, Nickelodeon All That, The...
“Max”, the latest iteration of the streaming HBO concept, launched today. This is a “hot take.” The good news: it seems to work The app didn’t crash on me. It didn’t make me log in again, or authenticate. I thought it was supposed to auto-update, but it didn’t. I was able to play something. So the app does get high marks for the basics. But, I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be able to say much else good about it. The bad news First things first. I get my Max subscription as an HBO subscriber through DIRECTV. This is my personal experience. Yours may differ. In fact I hope it does. And further, I hope this is all just some bug, some teething pain that will get sorted out in the next few days. But something tells me it’s not. Problem...
If you’re looking for portable satellite dishes, you’ve probably seen a lot of options. You can get ones that look like regular satellite dishes, but they’re on a tripod. Then there are large ones that permanently mount on a vehicle. Somewhere in the middle, there are portable self-aiming ones like the KING Tailgater Pro. There’s no doubt it’s the coolest looking one, on account of its transparent radome. Watching all that stuff work is kind of neat. But when it comes down to it, what makes this system so special? Let me run it down for you. It does everything you want This system delivers high definition TV to your RV or truck when paired with a Wally receiver from DISH. That’s what you want, right? That’s its whole purpose. It...
One of the things I like most about DIRECTV’s Gemini isn’t what it “is,” it’s what it “isn’t.” It’s not a DIRECTV receiver, even though it acts like one. It’s technically not a Genie client either, even though it does all the same things. It’s a streaming box that runs an app called “Gemini.” That app acts just like a DIRECTV receiver or client, so much so that you think you’re using the real thing. Not only that, it’s faster than any DIRECTV receiver or client even though it’s pretending to be something it’s not. However, this does mean that there have been some changes. This article goes through the differences that are baked into the new remote. One of the things that’s mentioned there is that you can use the right arrow button...
The news of the week is that cable companies are giving up on providing local TV service at all. Is this a sign that cable TV is dying? Or is it just a sign that there’s too much greed out there? Listen then shop at Solid Signal - Signal Solutions including HDTV Antennas, DIRECTV and DISH Network satellite equipment and home entertainment supplies and accessories for everything you need. Listen to the podcast your way! Just choose one of the following: Option 1: Click on the image above to stream the podcast in your browser. If you use the YouTube player above, be sure to subscribe to get future videos delivered to you! Option 2: The Solid Signal Podcast is available on several podcast aggregators. Search for us, or tap on the links...
Our RV customers love satellite TV, and I can see why. But one of the questions I often get asked is, should I pick DISH or DIRECTV? In the end it comes down to personal preference, but there are some things to know. I’ll discuss the positives of DIRECTV in a different article, but in this one I’m focused on DISH. Signal Group is a DIRECTV National Accounts Dealer and a DISH Premier Local Retailer, so I can’t really say anything bad about either. It would be like picking one of your children over the other. It’s your choice, I just want to give you the tools to decide which is a better fit for you. DISH for your RV Choosing DISH for your RV means flexibility. You can choose to add a receiver to an existing system if you want, or you...
Here’s something that’s pretty amazing: marine satellite television. I mean think about it. You’re on a boat that’s moving constantly in 3 dimensions. There’s a system that’s able to point an antenna at a spot in space 22,000 miles away, and receive a signal that’s weaker than a night light. This signal gives you hundreds of channels of live TV. If you’re like me, you’re probably amazed that it works at all. But work it does, at least 99% of the time. When it doesn’t, there are some simple steps you can take to get things back up and running. Most of them take no technical expertise at all, so let’s take a look. 1. Look out the window That’s right, look out the window. Most satellite TV outages are caused by extreme weather. You...
Here’s a term you’ll occasionally hear when talking about satellite television. It really dates back to the 1990s, when satellite TV was still in its infancy. Back then, the most common installation was a 5-meter (roughly 200″) wide dish. You can still occasionally find these rusting out in backyards, but back then they were really the cutting edge of technology. Since then, they’ve gained the nickname “Big Ugly Dish.” Back in the days of the Big Ugly Dish… Using one of those 5-meter dishes, it was pretty hard to put together a system to provide TV service for an apartment complex, hotel, or RV park. Those big black,dishes had to be pointed to different satellites all the time, and it was a real pain. Sometimes you needed two dishes...
Just got into the trucking profession? Here are some things you need to think about if you’re going to succeed. 1. Communicate The trucking business is all about relationships. Get to know your colleagues, including your dispatcher and fellow truck drivers. By keeping good lines of communication, you’ll build strong relationships, which could help you get better freight lanes and help you advance your trucking career. Also, be a friend on the road and communicate with your fellow truckers if you go through a construction zone, a slowdown, or see an accident, so the OTR drivers behind you can be prepared. 2. Stay Compliant Your Driver Fitness Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) score is based on your...
Defense, aviation, maritime, homes and communities, and a broad range of mobility customers rely on Viasat’s secure connectivity solutions across air, land, sea and space. As the first ViaSat-3 satellite soars toward its orbital slot and into its critical role in enabling global connectivity, we’d like to give you a closer look at the multi-layered company behind it, and a bit of the history that led us to this moment. We’re far from just a satellite internet company. Our culture and ability to consistently push the edge of what is possible in satellite communications is built upon decades of experience and the enduring drive to push the boundaries of what’s expected. Viasat was founded in 1986 on a spirit of innovation that has...
Well, if news reports are to be believed, Discovery is launching its HBO Max replacement, called “Max,” in just a couple of days. I’m sad to say I’m a bit cynical about it. The last time we went through this, when HBO GO became HBO Max, it wasn’t completely smooth. More importantly, perhaps, when Discovery+ launched, it was about three weeks of near-chaos. The folks who brought us this chaos are supposedly the ones tasked with bringing Max to life. I’m sure they’re great people and they’re working hard. I just wanted to take one last opportunity to give my hopes for a smooth launch, and that the points I list below all go off without a hitch. Hope #1: That it doesn’t stink. Obviously this is not something you could actually measure...
When I look out on the vast entertainment landscape… wait that sounds a little too stodgy for this article. What I’m trying to say, dear readers, is that I spend a lot of time trudging around the internet looking for trends. And, I think I’ve found one. I think people are giving traditional pay-TV a second chance. Yes, the news loves to talk about how pay TV has lost more subscribers than ever, but they’re not talking about the large number of people who are actually getting into it. Pay TV, I mean cable and satellite, is a really good value if you do it right. Yes, you can pay almost $300 a month if you try. But, if you look, you can also find plans for about $50 a month that include the channels you want, the stuff you can’t get from...
Hey, there marine fans. I know you love your boat. You love taking it on the water. You love spending time on it. You even love thinking about new ways to make it better. But, you also have to realize that love comes with a price. Boating isn’t a hobby for stingy people. It takes a lot of investment, whether it’s drydocking for the winter or keeping up with engine maintenance or any of the dozens of things that can drive up the cost of your favorite hobby. Seems to me that there should be a smart way to get what you want and still save a little cash. Luckily, there is. I’m going to give you two ideas that will save you from making a huge outlay. But first, I’m going to tell you what that huge outlay is. Advice for the smart boater...
One of the most influential films of this century is now old enough to drink. Minority Report, released in 2002, wasn’t just a decent adventure film. It was an honest look at what life could be like in 2052. While a lot of the film seems dated today, it stood for a decade or so as a look into the future that we either wanted or didn’t want. It was the first time that many of us had a look at multitouch interfaces, transparent displays, targeted advertising, in-ear phone headsets, and a lot of other little things that have become a big part of our lives now. We’re about halfway to the film’s start date, and I thought it might be fun to look back at what this film brought to the future. Mini movie review This isn’t really an article...
It’s RV season, and that means hundreds of thousands of families like yours heading out on the open road. Why not? It’s the perfect opportunity for you to see the country without paying for hotels or bingeing on fast food. An RV gives you all the comforts of home, too. If your RV was made in the 2000s or 2010s it probably came with an RV satellite dish. They were incredibly popular then, and they’re still a popular upgrade now. If you’re a DISH customer, you can generally add another receiver to your account and avoid paying a completely separate fee for service to the RV. Or, you can take advantage of DISH’s Flex Pay plan which lets you turn your service on and off at will. DISH’s most common new installation includes its Hopper DVR...
When your ship is out to sea, knowing where you’re headed is so important. To help you navigate your way across the seas, Solid Signal carries a selection of marine GPS equipment. A marine GPS system is a must have for any luxury craft and working vessel. These helpful devices keep your boat going in the right direction when your cell phone’s GPS cannot. That said, there are many marine GPS units from which to choose. Do you know which one is best for your working vessel or luxury craft? What features do you need? If you’re having trouble deciding which marine GPS system is best for you, we can help you. Solid Signal is your source for the best marine GPS, marine navigation gear, and more. Why Marine GPS? Because your cellphone GPS...
Imagine your business without internet. Your phones stop ringing. You can’t process credit cards. No one can contact you at all. Depending on how you’re set up, you could lose access to email, contacts, all your files… it sounds like a doomsday scenario. Now imagine that your main internet line goes down and you’re still in business. It’s a little slow, and you probably don’t want to spend a lot of time downloading video, but you can still access everything you need. Your business is saved. What’s the difference? gotW3. The difference is that you have a little device that will supply internet to your business using cell signals. Depending on how complicated your business network, it may jump in automatically when something happens...
This is the weBoost Home Studio, one of the least expensive cellular boosters from weBoost. It’s designed to cover a small home and provide boost for voice only. What if it were possible to add a few more parts, tweak it a little bit, and get a massive improvement in range and also get 4G/LTE boost? Sorry for the bait-and-switch, but it isn’t There are some things that you can do, but overclocking, turbocharging, whatever you call it… that’s not one of them. Why?. Let’s take it one step at a time. Power This cellular booster has 65dB of boost power. That’s pretty good, but it’s not as good as you can get. Remember for each 3dB you add, you’re doubling the amount of power the booster has. So even a small gain could mean a lot. Is it...
Back in 2007, HD was a curiosity. DIRECTV had about six national HD channels and a decent sized (37″) HDTV would run you about $1,500. The world was about to change, though, and The Solid Signal Blog was there. Our Signal Pro Moose gives us a brief article about those days (some links are now dead but are included for your amusement.) Of course today HD is the norm, not the exception, and the same quality TV in the same size will run you about $400. DIRECTV has well over 150 HD channels and there just aren’t that many more to add. On the other hand, Game Lounge turned out to be a bust. But back then, the future was so bright, we had to wear shades. Just take a look. Originally, this article appeared at The Solid Signal Blog’s first...
Remember when you used to make mix tapes? Then you got a CD burner and you could burn CD’s. That was really cool, right? You moved on, and now you share Spotify channels, but you might still have a bunch of old burned media, stuff you like or that has sentimental value. Maybe it came from an old boyfriend or girlfriend. Maybe it’s best that you not remember where that media came from, since we all did a lot of semi-legal sharing back then. What about all those old data backups, those pictures and videos from days gone by? Chances are you put them on a CD or DVD thinking they’d last forever. Unfortunately that’s not the case. You might pick up one of those data backups and find the information’s gone for good. Burned optical media just...
Being a home theater, corporate A/V, mobile, or marine installer is a lot harder than it used to be. Friends, I go back a little while and when I did a lot of stuff out in the field it was a lot easier to make money. Why? Because it really took an expert to do this stuff. Whether it was just wiring a VCR (yes, I go back that far) or putting in a multi-media program for a large group, it took a qualified technician. A regular person would just be lost. So, you could charge a lot for what you did. Flash forward a few years. OK, flash forward a lot of years. Today, it’s simpler and a lot more people think they can do it on their own. I’ll admit, it’s a lot easier than it used to be, thanks to things like HDMI cables and standards like...
November 14-20, 1992 This week Ken welcomes Left Handed Radio’s Adam Bozarth and Anna Rubanova BACK to the show to finally (a year and a half later) do Part II of what they started. Ken, Anna and Adam discuss how tired Adam and Anna are, mosquitos, tubes in ears, having your tonsils removed, having bad gas send you to the hospital, Ken’s kidney stone, Kid Creole and the Coconuts, placentas as extra credit, The Phillip LeBlanc Show, early morning WNYC, Marketplace, Halloween III, moving from Hard News, Fresh Scare, UPDATES on things Ken said to watch last time, including The Monster Club, That Guy Dick Miller, Charles Bronson, going on a Vincent Price kick, the modern Vincent Price, art collections, Voyager, playing poker, Steve...
When it comes to Gemini, it’s all good news. DIRECTV’s new box for its residential customers really brings the goods. It’s a Genie client like the older generation, plus it adds 4K, smaller size, even lower power use, and of course the ability to run all the streaming apps you want. It even comes with a voice-enabled remote that pairs easily and works in more scenarios than the Genie remote. All this is great news. But, of course, any time there’s a change there will be people who are happy with the way things have always been. When DIRECTV rolled out its RC24 remote back in the mid-2000s (the grandfather to today’s RC66X “white” remote) there were those who wanted to use the older RCA-style remote. When the Genie remote was rolled...
Marine-rated electrical wire. First of all you have to know that at some level, operating something big and electrical while you’re on the water is about the most dangerous thing you’re going to do. Electricity and water famously do not mix, and when they do, the result is someone or something gets fried. That’s why you need marine-rated cable, cable that is insulated well enough that there’s practically no possibility of a short due to water getting in. Even if this wire is going to be in a part of the boat that doesn’t get wet, it doesn’t matter. The last thing you need, if there’s an emergency and water gets somewhere it shouldn’t, is to get electrocuted. Get marine rated cable from Solid Signal Luckily, Solid Signal has, and...
In the early part of the 2000s, airlines started telling you that you couldn’t use your phone on a plane. Back then, it wasn’t a big deal since the only thing you could do on a phone was talk anyway. But of course, now we use our phones for so much more. Since 2014, you can legally use your cell phone on a plane… but there’s a hitch. It turns out that if you want in-flight data, you have to pay the airline. It turns out there’s no service up in the friendly skies. Before the 21st century, when it was legal to make a call on a plane, cell technology was different and since then, new tower technology has meant that cell signals are pointed out toward the people who need them, not up in the air. So, let’s just say that you brought a cell...
What’s the worst part of getting a new gadget? Well I’m pretty sure you’d agree it’s the activation. (After all, you found this article, so you’re aware of the problem.) Whether it’s a new phone, a new entertainment product, new internet service… it can be incredibly annoying. All you want to do is play with your new toy and you’re stuck on the phone with an overseas call center. You’re talking to someone who doesn’t know the product and doesn’t understand your needs. Then, you get transferred. We’ve all been there. There is a better way. And you’ve found it I’m going to tell you something that won’t make sense to you. Here goes. Calling the manufacturer isn’t the best way to get activated. Some of the companies you’re buying from...
Over the years, manual sales have become ineffective, and sales technology is becoming quite popular. This is generally evident in sales follow-up emails, tracking customers in spreadsheets, and connection to a decision maker. That’s something to celebrate as only 34% of salespersons spend their time in actual selling, while the rest spend time selling using technology tools that enable them to accomplish various tasks such as prospecting, data entry, and scheduling. But with numerous sales tech tools and services available, how do you choose a technology tool that fits your sales team? Below we’ve covered six must-have technology tools for a sales team and how they facilitate sales. Read on! #1. Display Screen A high-resolution...
Here’s an honest look at the technology that seemed so promising 15 years ago. Listen to the podcast your way! Just choose one of the following: Option 1: Click on the image above to stream the podcast in your browser. If you use the YouTube player above, be sure to subscribe to get future videos delivered to you! Option 2: The Solid Signal Podcast is available on several podcast aggregators. Search for us, or tap on the links below on your mobile device. If you want us to add another aggregator leave a comment below. Amazon iTunes Google Podcasts Overcast TuneIn Spreaker Stitcher Spotify Option 3: Download the podcast in MP3 format. Option 4: Paste the following link into your favorite podcast app...
Hey marine fans, I get it. You don’t go out on the water to watch TV. But, a lot of people do put some sort of TV system on their boats. If you’re staying on the boat overnight, it’s nice to sit back and relax below decks. It’s also nice to have the ability to have “tailgate” parties on the boat where you bring friends onboard to enjoy a game while also enjoying the water. Satellite TV is one of the most popular upgrades for a boat, but if you’re running an average size cabin cruiser, you’ll need to choose your options carefully. Traditional TV Obviously, you’re not going to be able to get cable TV on your boat. I mean, unless you’re in the marine, you’re not going to be able to connect a cable, which ends up being the problem. That’s...
Remote work is here to stay. It’s less common than it was three years ago when health concerns drove millions to work from home. However, the percentage of people working from home is a lot higher than it was in the last decade. The Hill reports that 30% of us do at least some work from home, up from about 6% in the last quarter. Working from home is great of course, but even that can be a little constraining. When we talk about working from home, we’re actually talking about working remotely and that can happen anywhere that there’s an internet and phone connection. So why not work from the RV? The problem with working from the RV Your RV is your home away from home. With a kitchen and a bed, it beats the idea of finding some hotel...
This is one of our most popular products… the weBoost Home Multiroom cell phone signal booster. It’s the perfect solution to the problem of working at home or in an office with really bad cell reception, because it boosts the signal that it gets very effectively. You may have also have heard of something called a “microcell.” Maybe the term sounds familiar to you, or maybe not. It hasn’t been used officially in some time. So what is a “microcell?” It sounds like it does the same thing. So what’s the difference? First of all there isn’t a “government standard” or anything that regulates the use of the term, but there are some definitions that fit the bill. We’ll tell you about those. Here’s what a microcell does (or used to do) A...
DIRECTV is the best live TV option for business such as bars, restaurants, and hotels. There really isn’t a viable commercial streaming or cable TV option for commercial installations, while DIRECTV offers the best news, sports, and entertainment programming. It’s a much better value, and DIRECTV is more reliable, too. If you’re a business owner who has DIRECTV at home, you might be wondering which receiver is best to use at your business. Signal Connect, your commercial DIRECTV dealer, answers this question. What’s the Best DIRECTV Commercial Receiver? It’s natural for someone to ask this question, especially when they’re making a substantial investment in electronic equipment. When it comes to commercial DIRECTV receivers...
Reimagining the future of satellites all started with three guys, a few Macintosh computers, and sketches in a notebook. ViaSat-3 rendering For a long time, Viasat was more known for its defense products than anything else. That all changed when Viasat delivered the highest capacity broadband satellite of its time – ViaSat-1. Soon after came ViaSat-2 with even higher capacity. Now each satellite in the ViaSat-3 constellation is anticipated to deliver at least 1 Terabit of data throughput per second (1Tbps) to its wide range of global customers –on the ground, in the air and at sea. Seasoned satellite telecommunication professionals Mark Dankberg, Steve Hart and Mark Miller...