Found an awesome dish

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Reminds me of the skit in the Horror Movie Show I mentioned earlier from WJW-TV Cleveland in another thread..

Channel 8 weatherman Dick Goddard was bragging about the station's newest Weather Radar "Super Doppler Googleplex" when the camera pans in closer..closer..closer..until we see an attractive lady taking a bath..Goddard sees this and tries to cover it with his suit coat..a little too


Yup.... That's what's it's down to now.

With the latest google earth pics I can very clearly see the individual lnb's on my dishes.
Bye bye privacy.. :(

And it will just get worse. I think they take new photos every two years unless there's a hurricane then they'll take them shortly after. Every year they get better.
I remember back in 2001 or 2002 Microsoft Terraserver went public. I could barely make out my house on what looked like 1980's black and white photos taken with a 1940's Brownie camera strapped to a bi-plane.
It was truly awful quality.

I read that they are walking into businesses with google cameras now so they can do street view INSIDE STORES! (article: Google Maps Provides Street View-Look at Store Interiors | PCWorld)
I know the government already has photos of the inside of my house, after two hurricanes FEMA inspectors came into my house with cameras and photographed everything. They even opened the closet doors and took photos.
I guess because I was filing a hurricane damage claim and they wanted photos so some pencil pusher could look at them and say "Nope. The slab is still there, I see no damage, claim denied!" which is essentially what happened.
But how long before google is in our houses? Google is one of the biggest abusers of privacy ever. Their new privacy policy pushed me to delete ALL the google accounts I had. I made up a dummy account with false info and I use pro-privacy options to push false and corrupt info into their system. I can still access the maps and what not but as I do it I'm pouring sugar in their gas tank at the same time. If you read their new ANTI-privacy policy, carefully, word for word, you'll stop using google too. Google truly has gone full on EVIL. I won't be a willing victim. I'll use their maps but not their search engine. And any time I interact with google, I'll have a monkey wrench in one hand while I do it. I have all the things installed into my browser to block and opt out every google/facebook/whatever ad pushing, activity tracking mechanism known. Corporate America has overstepped the boundaries and I'm one that's fighting back by refusing to be bulldozed by the profiteers, banksters and greedsters.

So on one hand I like that I can see very detailed views of my dishes, it makes for easy planning and works super great for but, in two years, what level of detail will they then have? It's not like google notifies you of when they will be driving around with the street view car or when they will be taking satellite/airplane/drone photos so that you can OPT OUT by going indoors during that time frame.

I'm not a real big fan of this brave new corporate world.. :mad:

You can even go put the Christmas lights up for her on that thing because you posted a photo last season of yourself doing such a nice job on your own monster BUD! :p

Hmmm. BUD - Bohemiath Utopian Dish! ;)

I might put LED lights on it. One of the local TV stations has a very large dish right next to the highway with their logo painted on it really big. And they have bright lights built into it so it's fully illuminated at night. They use images of the illuminated dish in all their propaganda as well.

Just to mess with my neighbors, I ought to get that giant 16' dish and paint a great big, huge Illuminati eye image in it, light it up at night and aim it at their house. I'll bet they'll soon start shopping around for a new place to move to. :dev
Dee... you know by the time you get that big beast down might look like the one in the 2012 project pic..
i'm sending you the article on thurs when i get back in town...
Ooooops! Off topic but, cyberham, you should post that slick kitty kat in the cat avatar thread.

That is one nice picture Dee. Better get the bug spray before you start that project!

Well, I showed my dad photos of those big dishes today and his response was, "Have you lost your GD mind?"
He also made a point to ask me "You're out of your mind! Did you fall down and bang your head on the driveway?"

He also told me "What the h*ll are you going to do with those things? The neighbors are going to call the city on you for all these things!"
I informed him that "This is not a HOA that I live in and that I can do anything I want and to h*ll with the neighbors. If they don't like it, they can bloody well move!"

Dad had a few other choice words to say. He is convinced my teapot is cracked for sure now. SmileyCrazy.gif

But, he is going to help me go take them down and bring them here none the less.. :D
Next week he and I are going to take a drive to go look at them again and get some more photos.

I guess once I actually start this project I'll post a thread for it.
I'll bet it's not too often that folks get their hands on giant, commercial dishes like these. :D
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I'll bet it's not to often that folks get their hands on giant, commercial dishes like these. :D
AAAaahhh, as a matter of fact, No. And therefore, I am not surprised by your dad's reaction. "Dee the dish girl" go baby, go baby.
Not that I know from experience, Dee, but if you were a guy and married, I think your dad's reaction would pale in comparison to your wife's :D ...
Dee you keep up the hobby well. My wife used to think this was some kind of a "Man" thing, playing with dishes. I said "Not" and showed her Dee's farm and future prospects. :)
I said this is a hobby for "intellegent" people and that's why you don't know anybody else doing this. LOL
Not that I know from experience, Dee, but if you were a guy and married, I think your dad's reaction would pale in comparison to your wife's :D ...

Whew! I'm safe then.. :)

But maybe my dad is right. Maybe I have lost my mind? :whistle:

But hey, if you can do it, why not just go ahead and over do it? :D
Dee you keep up the hobby well. My wife used to think this was some kind of a "Man" thing, playing with dishes. I said "Not" and showed her Dee's farm and future prospects. :)
I said this is a hobby for "intellegent" people and that's why you don't know anybody else doing this. LOL

You know, I never really thought of this as a man thing. I have always thought of it as a challenge. I know it takes brains, which I'm a little lite on and brawn but I'm not even in the game on that.
Being that I don't have the physical strength like you guys that forces me to figure out ways to get things done differently. Moving heavy things was something I never did before.
I can't change a tire and can barely lift a bag of dog food. I certainly can not lift a bag of cement. No way, no how.

Putting in the small ku dishes wasn't too hard, getting the cement bag out of the car was the worst part. I just took it to the back in a wheelbarrow and that was that.
Now I have a John Deere that can tow a car and I have a little trailer to go behind it so I can move heavy things to the back yard now, 400lbs at a time. (trailer load limit)
If I get stuff in my van I an slide the bags out the side door into the trailer then to the back yard.

But these new dishes.. Oh boy...
I know that there is NO WAY I can lift these things so from the get-go my brain began to work out how to lower them to the ground with ropes and pulleys and levers.
Guys would just manhandle those things down, I have to get them down with brain power.

I do this for two things.
1. Watching TV.
2. Satisfaction at overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds.

And one last thing, the opportunity to obtain these big dishes is so exceptionally rare that I would be foolish to pass this up. Very few people can ever say they got to do something like this and even fewer people can say they have dishes like this in their back yard..

If I can get those things down, moved, over here, setup and working, I think I could qualify for a job doing stuff like that. All I would need is a little formal education for the book learning part because I would have the hands on part already behind me. I just wonder though, if there is anyone left in the world that uses these beasts and anyone left that sets them up or works on them? I wonder if it would be worth the effort to try to make a career out of this?
Or should I just continue on with my lone kookery projects and write it off as fun and entertainment... :confused:

If you end up on the national news after these go up it could be a positive thing for FTA! ;)

Nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! No no no... I don't want anything to do with being on the news..
Someone else can do that but not me..

But I wonder what my neighbors will do. Surely there is nothing that the city can do to make me take them down, right?
It's a satellite dish, I'm receiving, not transmitting and it's not for commercial use, it's private use only.
And it's certainly not for stealing satellite so it's 100% legal.

I hope this doesn't end up in a show down over these things.

If nothing else, my back yard will become a tourist attraction and a google earth easter egg... :D
The only thing that your city hall can try to use against you is a clause regarding "Nuisance". Look it up in your local municipal code and you might be surprised what is in there. It is open to interpretation. If you suddenly start drawing hordes of gawkers to the neighborhood, that should set off warning bells. I doubt that this would happen in your case, UNLESS, of course, you actually paint that big eye on a couple dishes and point them at your creepy neighbor.:)

I tried attaching a PDF file to my message, but I dont know the tricks to doing that, if it is even allowed here.
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I'm in the planning stages of planting bamboo around my yard for privacy. It will eventually grow up and block the view to my yard by anything short of air borne lookie-looers..

But it will take a few years to reach adult height of 10'-12'...

The way everyone's yard is, there are fences everywhere. From the street out front, you can't see my dishes without tresspassing.
From the street behind you would have to trespass through someone else's fenced yards to get even remotely close.
Random people won't be gawking at them but neighbors won't have a choice but to see them.

Two neighbors will be blocked from viewing my patio area by the dishes. I just bought a 10'x8' metal building and when it goes up that will block even more view of my yard. :D
Between the metal building and the two monster dishes, I'll gain a lot of privacy. :D They will have a nice new view of a lot of big metal things. :D

In a few years, once the bamboo does it's thing, everything will be hidden from everyone. They'll just have to tough it out until then.
I broke off most of these posts off the "post pics of your dish farm" thread because most of the posts in that thread are pics of folks's dish setups and a comment or two. This one has turned more into a "what if" thread ;)
Don't know how I missed this until now, but great find Dee. Will be looking forward to watching your progress as this goes up in your yard.
Dee_Ann Im in love.. Want to move with all your toys to California ? Id love to see how you pull that SA dish out i have one i want to pluck need to find the time and figure how to do it so when i starts ill finish with a great dish or a pile of scrap.
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I broke off most of these posts off the "post pics of your dish farm" thread because most of the posts in that thread are pics of folks's dish setups and a comment or two. This one has turned more into a "what if" thread ;)

Good idea. Thank you.. :)

Dee , in Alabama we consider anybody who owns a John Deere to be wealthy, so congratulations!

Thanks.. :) But down here in SE Texas they are pretty much standard issue. I've got a big yard and a bad back so a push mower is a no-go. I wanted a mower that would last the rest of my life so this was a slam dunk no brainer..
John Deere.. Lately I've been seeing commercials for their new "1 series".. I went to look at one. My wants were, a bulldozer thing on the front, a bucket for scooping up dirt, a digger on the back for digging holes, a post hole digger and of course a mower deck. After I added up the goodies it was over $25,000... Woa... :eek: Not this year!!

I was thinking how nice it would be to have machines to do heavy work for me rather than have to hire unreliable people that always take advantage of me, rip me off and do shoddy work.

I could put up those monster dishes all by myself with one of these.

But since that's just a weeeeeeee bit out of my budget I'll have to make due with the two JD's I do have.

And I have a old friend to help me with the smaller jobs.. ;)

Maybe one day I can upgrade but I'm afraid it won't be this year.. Sigh... :(

Don't know how I missed this until now, but great find Dee. Will be looking forward to watching your progress as this goes up in your yard.

To be honest, this is not my find. A nice guy found them and offered to let me in on the deal. I can not take credit for the find.
I am extremely fortunate that he was kind enough to offer me a chance to buy a few of these things..

Now, getting them down, moved and put up here, ZOMG...... Yeah, that's going to be some hard work! I'll be documenting it all. :cool:
Not many people get a chance to even see dishes like this much less own them..

Dee_Ann Im in love.. Want to move with all your toys to California ? Id love to see how you pull that SA dish out i have one i want to pluck need to find the time and figure how to do it so when i starts ill finish with a great dish or a pile of scrap.

Heh heh... I knew it would come to this..

Hmm.. Let's see...

Hurricanes. Brutal heat. Brutal humidity. Vicious mosquitoes.


Earthquakes. Tsunamis. Firestorms.

Lemme think on that a bit.. ;)

Even though I would love to live in California I have family down here and my dad is getting old. Mom just passed away recently and Dad is older than she was..
So I guess I'm stuck here for the time being..

Besides, I would need a big yard to play with my JD and plant all my metal flowers.. :D
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