You will change your tune when the Lions are in the Super Bowl!!I think the loss in advertising revenue would outweigh what they made in PPV revenue.
I honestly could care less about the super bowl. For me having your friends over or going to a friends house and eating chips and pizza is what makes the super bowl appealing to me.
The ads are nice, but I could care less about who wins.
Games in any sport typically don't stop unless there is some cause to declare the game complete or suspended.What you mean is, the game doesn't stop....
Are you implying that Hispanics can't possibly have the same or more interest in US sports?I might remind the soccer naysayers that California's population is better than 50% Hispanic...![]()
Are you familiar with American football ? An NFL game typically lasts over (3) hours. It has a (1) hour "clock". The actual playing time takes up less than (15) minutes. Most "plays" (from the time the QB starts the snap count until the ball carrier is downed) last what, 15-20 seconds ?Games in any sport typically don't stop unless there is some cause to declare the game complete or suspended.
No, what am am implying is that Hispanics have a very large interest in soccer..... Soccer is very big in California at all levels. youth, high school, college, and pro....Are you implying that Hispanics can't possibly have the same or more interest in US sports?
You will change your tune when the Lions are in the Super Bowl!!![]()
This comment belongs in an X-Box forumYou will change your tune when the Lions are in the Super Bowl!!![]()
In both cases, you can be relatively sure when the game is going to end. Such is not the case with soccer as you're presented with neither the overall game time or an accurate play clock.Are you familiar with American football ? An NFL game typically lasts over (3) hours. It has a (1) hour "clock". The actual playing time takes up less than (15) minutes. Most "plays" (from the time the QB starts the snap count until the ball carrier is downed) last what, 15-20 seconds ?
NBA games last almost 2-1/2 hours while the actual play time is (48) minutes. Timeouts in NBA games are (2) minutes. Did anyone know that in playoff games they are 2-1/2 minutes ? Gee, I wonder why or who dictated, errr, I mean, suggested that ? Wouldn't have anything to do with (30) additional seconds for commercials which is convenient when more people are watching as it's a playoff game.
ESPN's biggest problem is the staff has been dabbling into political issues. I don't know if that is by design, by edict from the parent Corp or what.. All I know is that my ESPN viewing has been slashed to a bare minimum. I no longer watch sports center. I avoid all of the special shows like Outside the Lines and the Sports Reporters because invariably the discussion devolves into some politically correct limp wristed tripe.
Soccer is not popular among Americans.Disney is a well run, notirioulsy cost aversive company who make cuts far before most companies would and stay highly profitiable because of its financial thumbscrews. In part, this about saturation: at some point it becomes so much money to get these rights that it exceeds profits. However, if we can accept play by play from thousands of miles away and other cost cutting, ESPN could actually see better profits. Yes, the big teams gettng their one channels, etc. and some cord cutting and the leagues allowing access to games via internet/mobile device all have some affect to such games no longer being truly exclusive and ONLY on ESPN or other tradiditonal TV channels, and that hurts the value of the games to entities like ESPN with losing viewers as one effect.
But, I wonder: it seems to me that the Mellinials aren't very interested in watching sports as previous generations. This and subsequent generations seem to spend more time on video games and at ComiCON and Anamie conventions than following any of the major or college sports. Is the market for sports broadcasting shrinnking because of changing interests for the younger generation? Or is it, perhaps, just the WRONG sports because it seems soccor/football is increasing in popularaity in the US and NOT among immigrants, but from those born in the USA with generations before it born in the USA, as well. These new fans of soccor did play it as kids, but often did not follow up playing other more tradtional sports at USA junior and high schools.
I just think the times are a changing and Disney is smart to rein in the costs far before it is too late. If we all live another 30 years, we may not recognize this planet at all.