Anyone have an OLED?

How will you feel after buying an OLED today when in a year, and then two years, the price is down AND the TV is noticeably better?
We all have to work within our budgets, I'm not buying it at $25,000 either. But if it's in your budget and you need/want it, no use waiting unless you're waiting for a specific feature.
Sure, it will be cheaper next year, but I think $2600 for what is arguably the best 55" TV set in the world, is already a very reasonable price. Many of us paid more than that for our first HDTV sets. OLED is not a necessity of course, but it's no longer a luxury. Well within reach for many enthusiasts. People often spend much more than that on their car upgrades, furniture, home improvement, jewelry, etc. It's all a question of personal preferences and priorities.

Personally, I am very close to pulling the trigger on one of these OLED sets. But I am still a little concerned about the production quality of OLED panels, their long-term performance and also about the HDR standards. The OLED technology is so new and the HDR is still rapidly evolving. As much as I want to have a new TV set right now, I feel it might be wise to wait a few more months, at least until the first UHD Blu-rays are out and Netflix rolls out its HDR. But I don't know if I will have enough patience... ;)
The only thing stopping me is that we're moving next year, so major purchases until the theater is ready to set up.
Well LG seems to be getting around this by using white pixels and putting R, G, & B color filters on them instead of using pixels of each color and having to worry about them fading at different rates.

Mike, since you are going to be at CEDIA tomorrow, could you please ask LG reps to which extent they believe these latest OLED sets are future-proof? For example, would they be able to add Dolby Vision HDR support via a software update?
I think Dolby Vision is out on the current models, not too worried about all of that. And $4250 for the 65" OLED is not bad at all when you consider what teh VT50 and ZT60 launched at.

The more I talk to owners (previous plasma guys), the more I want one. I never sweat what might be next year, I mean these are HDR, UHD and HDMI 2.0a. The big pull in with plasma every year was Panny would make blacks a little better, with the OLEDs the black doesnt get any better. Motion rez may pick up but from the folks I talk too its not really any issue.

I may pull the trigger today, but also doing some reading on the 65" XBR that just came out from Sony. Nice set too, better in most regards other than contrast ratio. Contrast ratio is pretty much the single most important part of PQ though.
Do it already! I'm ready to hear from an actual owner here. :D

Or wait, don't do it. You will probably talk me into doing the same thing!!!
I know if I bought an OLED or even UHDTV before specs were finalized and debugged, AND prices came down significantly, I'd be kicking myself for YEARS longer than I'd enjoy being early in.
I know if I bought an OLED or even UHDTV before specs were finalized and debugged, AND prices came down significantly, I'd be kicking myself for YEARS longer than I'd enjoy being early in.

I wonder if this year 4K tv's would be backward compatible with Dolby Vision HDR? Not just LG but any manufacturer that inks a deal with Dolby.
Do it already! I'm ready to hear from an actual owner here. :D

Or wait, don't do it. You will probably talk me into doing the same thing!!!

LOL. Well, I spent over a day reading the LG thread, the Samsung Thread (one I had ordered but cancelled) and the XBR 930C (65") thread. Unknown to me I have an electronics hookup thru a friend, so I am going XBR. It is reviewing real well, 1080 lines of motion with little SOE and very good blacks. Nothing against the Samsung because by all accounts the 8500 is a gorgeous set too, but the XBR is a $3900 display that I can get for a little over $2k... Can't pass that up.

After reading the OLED thread start to finish, I would probably wait for the 2016 models at CES to see what they come out with (100% DCI and better motion?), and you will know if they get the yellowing and streaking worked out. Too many unknowns right now to drop $4300 on a tv. Ill just go back to using my backlight when we watch movies.
LOL. Well, I spent over a day reading the LG thread, the Samsung Thread (one I had ordered but cancelled) and the XBR 930C (65") thread. Unknown to me I have an electronics hookup thru a friend, so I am going XBR. It is reviewing real well, 1080 lines of motion with little SOE and very good blacks. Nothing against the Samsung because by all accounts the 8500 is a gorgeous set too, but the XBR is a $3900 display that I can get for a little over $2k... Can't pass that up.

After reading the OLED thread start to finish, I would probably wait for the 2016 models at CES to see what they come out with (100% DCI and better motion?), and you will know if they get the yellowing and streaking worked out. Too many unknowns right now to drop $4300 on a tv. Ill just go back to using my backlight when we watch movies.

I take it the Sony is Fald?
No, it is edge lit like the Samsung. I am just gonna use my bias light like I had planned to with the Samsung, had to go dig it out of the closest. Never used it with the VT50...

The only Sony FALD this year is the 75" 940C, which is $7k!!!

Ill be trading down on blacks, even though these last couple of years XBR edge lit have reviewed real well, but I will gain a few things. Looking at OLED right now, it reminds me of the 2008-2011 Panny plasma run. Expensive flagships, unperfected tech with issues, but still great looking. I have been thru that once, I preferred the 2012-2013 Panasonic years where they were damn near perfect and inexpensive. I imagine that will be OLED close to that by 2017-18.
Mike, since you are going to be at CEDIA tomorrow, could you please ask LG reps to which extent they believe these latest OLED sets are future-proof? For example, would they be able to add Dolby Vision HDR support via a software update?

I talked to some of the reps there. HDR is what they are pushing now. The current sets do it on HDMI and streaming. The previous ones are streaming only since they do not have the HDMI hardware for the extra bandwidth. They were feeding the demo with this box from WD:
I saw that B&H Photo was throwing in a 46" LG Set with the purchase of the 65" curved OLED set at $4,999. That's like getting an A3 when you buy an Audi R8 V10...

Adding height speakers for Dolby Atmos and DTS:X

Using my Roku...

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