HP asks for Blu-ray change in next-generation DVD battle


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Jan 25, 2004
Land O Lakes, FL
Hewlett-Packard on Wednesday raised the stakes in a battle between high-definition DVD formats by urging a group led by Sony to include features important to PC makers and users.

Palo Alto, Calif.-based HP has long backed Sony's Blu-ray, but last month, Microsoft and Intel endorsed a competing high-definition DVD format known as HD DVD, which is backed by Toshiba.

That prompted HP to make its move on Wednesday.

"We're still supporting Blu-ray, but we're very serious that we want these technologies. If in the end, they're supported in one and then not the other; we'll have to make a choice," said Maureen Weber, general manager of personal storage in HP's personal-systems group.

Blu-ray and HD DVD were not available for comment.

The world's No. 2 computer maker asked the makers of Blu-ray to include two technologies in its specifications that are now supported by HD DVD. One is known as mandatory managed copy, enabling users to copy high-definition movies onto PCs from discs and distribute them on home networks.

HP also asked Blu-ray to support a feature called iHD, which provides for new interactive features and is slated to be implemented in Microsoft's new Windows Vista operating system.

HP said its move reflected its desire to ensure that customers are not forced to choose between competing formats for DVDs.

Microsoft said HP's call was in the best interest of consumers and the industry.

"We'd like to see Blu-ray do the right thing and commit to these scenarios, avoiding a protracted format war that benefits no one," spokesman Blair Westlake said.

Earlier on Wednesday, technology group Forrester Research declared Blu-ray the winner in the increasingly heated battle over next-generation DVD technology that promises consumers sharper pictures and manufacturers new revenues.

However, the battle is far from over, as neither technology is available for the mass market.

A key to which technology wins has been the support of Hollywood's major film studios, which, until recently, had been split evenly with three majors supporting Blu-ray and three behind HD DVD.

Earlier this month, however, Paramount Home Entertainment, owned by Viacom, said it would release digital movies in the Blu-ray format, becoming the first major studio to support both.

The formats are incompatible, which Hollywood fears will lead to consumer confusion. Industry watchers compare the standoff to the video battle between VHS and Betamax in the 1980s.

Gerry Kaufhold, an analyst at In-Stat, said if Blu-ray makers include the technologies requested by HP, it would further put the ball in Blu-ray's court.

"The PC industry can play an active part in pushing high definition forward if Blu-ray includes these items," Kaufhold said.

Schadler of Forrester said in his report that Sony learned from its painful Betamax loss that the format with the most industry support will win, and it set out years ago to assemble an "impregnable lineup of partners."

Sony and Toshiba held high-level talks earlier this year to try to unify their formats and avoid an all-out standards war, but those discussions broke down.


Can Blu-ray, HD-DVD Meet in The Middle?
By Clint Boulton

Looking to bridge the gap between two competing optical disk standards, HP has asked the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) to include two technologies already supported in HD-DVD in the Blu-ray format specification.

Specifically, HP appealed to the group about Managed Copy and iHD, which it said will "address the fundamental technical needs of the PC and help create a seamless experience throughout the digitally connected home."

Managed Copy allows consumers to make legitimate copies of their HD movies to use around the home or across their networks. Making this feature mandatory will ensure a consistent consumer experience across all next-generation DVD content, HP argued.

iHD allows new interactivity with standards-based development tools and technologies to provide consumers with better content, navigation and functionality for HD films. HP said Microsoft plans to support iHD in its forthcoming Windows Vista operating system.

The formal request reflects HP's desire to ensure that customers are not forced to choose between competing HD formats for DVDs.

"HP is committed to delivering rewarding consumer experiences, and we see format compatibility as critical to making technology accessible and easy to use for consumers," said John Romano, senior vice president for HP's Consumer PC Global Business Unit.

HP's olive branch is a welcome sign in a fierce battle between Blu-ray and HD-DVD, two pending optical disk formats that promise consumers crystal clear picture resolution.

Blu-Ray and HD DVD use blue lasers, which have a shorter wavelength than the red lasers used in current DVD players. This allows discs to store data at the higher densities needed for high-definition TV.

But each spec has different backers, creating two formidable camps.

HP, Dell, Sony and Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment, The Walt Disney Co. and Twentieth Century Fox support Blu-ray. Microsoft, Intel, Universal Studios and Warner Bros. Studios have endorsed HD DVD.

While DVD players equipped with either format aren't expected until 2006, Forrester Research has already tabbed Blu-ray the winner, citing Blu-ray's greater capacity, Java support and ability to be used in games and computers.


Blu-ray winning drawn-out format war

HD DVD could hit first and be very inexpensive for consumers

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