Microsoft to acquire Nokia's Devices & Services for $5 billion

Wish I had bought some stock in Nokia closed at $3.90 so it will be interesting to see where it's at by the end of the week.
They aren't moving under the Nokia brand and Microsoft can't sell the surface tablets.

I think it's a bad idea, because Windows phone continues to not get any traction in a market that is saturated.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 4
This will be big for Windows Phone Nokia makes some of the best hardware on the market hands down and they are already in every global market. The rest of your top manufactures are Samsung, HTC , LG they also will continue to make Windows Phones as well along with Windows Tablets as well.
Google knows who the threat is everyone else does as well it's not Apple again like I have said the writing on the wall for what is still yet to happen that is it will be Microsoft, Google will be in the top 2 then Apple. Blackberry will get bought out most likely and will not exist anymore so the top 3 will be what remains. What Microsoft has is that their Phones, Tablets, PC, Laptops will all work together with the same OS everything sinks everything works no compatibility issues like you always will have with Mac and Android. Again not saying their products are no good they have some good stuff but in the long run I think there will be some changes coming. Microsoft hit a home run with this and now with all the top players making their devices the market will swing in the next year or so between 2014-2015 we will have a better feel on where it stands. At this point way to early to say but anyone who thinks they will not be the force to mess with has their head in the sand. :)

Simply put, there's no compelling reason for switching to Windows phone. Windows (and Mac OS for that matter) is at the end of a great long run as people start moving to tablets / pads for large portions of their day to day computing needs.

Home computer market shrinking, smartphone and tablet market reaching saturation if it hasn't already, I don't see it as good money spent.

It's always "wait till the next version" with Windows Phone and they are years behind Apple and Android. They've waited themselves into a hole too deep to get out of.

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4
It depends how much MS is willing to invest in the phone hardware. If MS decides to buy market share they could sell top notch hardware for razor thin margins and try to make the money back on the app side of things.
Yeah agree I think more folks will move to tablets I think there some that will still stay with their laptops. I think desktops will be fine just not as many sold but you will still have a need them to run real beefy programs and gaming so forth. I plan on upgrading my desktop sometime next year due to it will be about that time. But not surprised they got Nokia they already had put some money into basically same thing Google did with Motorola. Google had invested too much into them to see them fall to the way side had their a good hardware manufacture as well. :)
It was obvious to anyone familiar with the industry that MS was going to buy all or part of Nokia when Stephen Elop took over a few years back. When they head their "coming to jesus" moment, and decided that they were going to go all in on Windows Phone.

I see MS as being an also ran as Google and Android continue their dominance as their simply isn't a compelling reason to go with a Windows Phone.

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4
It was obvious to anyone familiar with the industry that MS was going to buy all or part of Nokia when Stephen Elop took over a few years back. When they head their "coming to jesus" moment, and decided that they were going to go all in on Windows Phone.

I see MS as being an also ran as Google and Android continue their dominance as their simply isn't a compelling reason to go with a Windows Phone.

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4

I have used both and still prefer WP over Android but that being said I like my One plus HTC is a good manufacture as well. Over all just not a lot of WP devices to choose from but I that will change soon. Overtime I think there will be more people going to WP devices in the near future as they start to try other devices. But folks should use what they like but don't be afraid to try something else as well :)

You're right, it will change soon. You'll see the companies currently dabbling with Windows Phone (Samsung, HTC et al) get out of the Windows Phone market.

Microsoft has earned plenty of distrust over the years.

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4

You're right, it will change soon. You'll see the companies currently dabbling with Windows Phone (Samsung, HTC et al) get out of the Windows Phone market.

Microsoft has earned plenty of distrust over the years.

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4

We will see but I hope not but we will see you never know as far as distrust Google leads that more than anyone out there. They all have their faults but depending on what they are and how they were handle are two different things. I will not waste time going over that just look at the records is all they gotten a slap on the wrist they have gotten due to the buddy system they have in D.C. In the end now one knows we will just have see where everyone stands between now & 2015.
Last year it was wait until the Windows 8 Phone launch. Hasn't wowed anybody as they aren't flying off the shelves. Now it's wait until 2015.

Too little, too late.

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4
Last year it was wait until the Windows 8 Phone launch. Hasn't wowed anybody as they aren't flying off the shelves. Now it's wait until 2015.

Too little, too late.

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4

LOL! We will see Windows 9 WP9 probably be out by then but if I'm wrong on how well WP will do I don't have a issue admitting it but funny thing is if they are success how hard it will be for some to admit to it. If they do things right it will help them but they could screw this up as well were dealing with so called experts here which could be scary. Just hope they do the right things if not it will hurt them more than help. :)
MS is long overdue for a success. They are still waiting for their first one in the mobile space. They've had plenty of chances, and even had semi-smartphones (the Palm Treo Windows handsets) to market before Apple or Android were on the market.

So clearly MS has an issue with execution in the mobile space.

I won't have a problem with them having a success, but given their past record I'm not holding my breath.

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4
The rest of your top manufactures are Samsung, HTC , LG they also will continue to make Windows Phones as well along with Windows Tablets as well.
I absolutely don't see this as a given. I see this as one of the best ways to chase the competition away from a market that hasn't borne much fruit anyway.

Nokia may build some awesome phones, but Microsoft has a long history of acquisitions that withered away because all Redmond was really interested in was their patent portfolios or seeing to it that they couldn't interfere anymore.

Add to this that Microsoft is likely to throw in some additional royalties garnered from the purchase and the taste becomes all that more bitter.
Windows tablets have sold extremely poorly. I don't see the Nokia acquisition as changing this one bit.

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4
LOL! We will see Windows 9 WP9 probably be out by then but if I'm wrong on how well WP will do I don't have a issue admitting it but funny thing is if they are success how hard it will be for some to admit to it.
It will be more than a year to get to WP8.1, so it seems unlikely that WP9 is that close. Remember WP6?

As for your singular platform assertion, I bet Chrome has a much better chance of being that platform. There's a whole lot to be said for not having to wade in the muck of backwards compatibility.
It will be more than a year to get to WP8.1, so it seems unlikely that WP9 is that close. Remember WP6?

As for your singular platform assertion, I bet Chrome has a much better chance of being that platform. There's a whole lot to be said for not having to wade in the muck of backwards compatibility.

Chrome really not a OS just a browser with apps. Yeah 8.1 should be good have not tested it yet but heard good things about it but I have not had any issues with it so far Win8 so far. :)
Chrome really not a OS just a browser with apps.
I was speaking of the Chrome OS that is indeed an operating system based on Linux.

It is indeed mostly a life support system for the Chrome browser, but do most really need anything more in this day of SaaS software? If they do, Linux is a very tailorable operating system. Anything that gets people to stop using Internet Exploder is a most excellent thing.

Microsoft's player in this market is the exceedingly eeeevillllle .net (CoreCLR) that simultaneously sucks and blows in all of the worst ways. Reminds me of their previous feeble attempt into that space: MSJVM.
I was speaking of the Chrome OS that is indeed an operating system based on Linux.

It is indeed mostly a life support system for the Chrome browser, but do most really need anything more in this day of SaaS software? If they do, Linux is a very tailorable operating system. Anything that gets people to stop using Internet Exploder is a most excellent thing.

Microsoft's player in this market is the exceedingly eeeevillllle .net (CoreCLR) that simultaneously sucks and blows in all of the worst ways. Reminds me of their previous feeble attempt into that space: MSJVM.

Yeah I referring more to like a Chrome Book so forth which is more like Windows 8 RT to me.

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Windows Phone Central Podcast (Replay) MS buying Nokia

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