Does A Leopard Change It's Spots...?


SatelliteGuys Pro
May 25, 2004
Rocklin, CA--near Sacramento
...I don't think so. Having been unwillingly MIA for the better part of a week, I'm going to go way out on a limb, but I've "lurked" primarily as often as I could.

It looks like the end (of this era) may be at hand :no , but as Salsadancer noted in another thread, it just really doesn't fit with my common sense. I have tried to keep up with "alleged facts", opinions, and various rants. There is still nothing that makes "sense" to this sweet old fashioned (wanna-be pirate) girl. :no EXCEPT...that Charles Dolan will still try to achieve his dream on a future day...and may be doing what he has to on THIS day to open that door. :)

It may all be over, but I also see plenty of room for yet another twist, and because I don't believe that Charles Dolan is either senile OR stupid...I maintain hope that whatever he has done or will do may lead to something else that we'd all (well 99%, anyway) desire.

I haven’t resorted to panic, total depression, or even drink (although that’s been tempting!), …I will revert to OTA and Netflix if the end occurs now…but I’ll be standing by...ready to sign up if Charles Dolan takes a different turn…one that doesn’t involve Jimmy boy or whoring out his vision to other providers… I have to side with those who refuse to support anything connected with CableVision, especially. I don't have access to CableVision, but would not support even receiving the VoOm 21 through them...regardless.

Just in case I don't get back for a couple more days...Thanks DeeAnn for the pirate flag…THAT WAS WONDERFUL!!! Can I commandeer it for use in my new tagline?

Also to you and Tobar for the updates on SureWest "In My Area"…unfortunately I can’t get them.

Whatever transpires, enjoy these days of HD...I'm hoping they won't be the last of the best....Vicki :)
I think it's over, but I will continue to look in this forum as well as search the news for any hint of positive word.

It seems surreal that Dolan would put Voom customers through all of this only to vote with the majority to shut it all down. Could it be an effort to avoid costly lawsuits by Cablevision stockholders? Who knows...but if he's got something up his sleeve...he'd better reveal it soon.
You know what doesn't make sense, the transponders, doesn't charles dolan own the transponders or should I say Voom? They could stop taking orders but still keep the satellites up and running for awhile since they plan to have voom 21 exclusives on cable co's and other satellite providers. What also doesn't make sense why didn't they bother to market their 21 exclusives to othe cable or sat providers and why haven't they taken them onboard?
Vicki said:
It may all be over, but I also see plenty of room for yet another twist, and because I don't believe that Charles Dolan is either senile OR stupid...I maintain hope that whatever he has done or will do may lead to something else that we'd all (well 99%, anyway) desire.

Upon much reflection, I've decided that this forum, and fine folks like Miss Vicki, are part of the VOOM experience for me and I'm going to miss that. We all went through the roller coaster ride together,,,we dicussed our OTA problems favorite shows, ect... and I can't imagine D* or E*, or cable evering stirring such a passionate community. I'm really REALLY going to miss this.
I agree the the wench, Vicki. I don't think we have heard all that there is to hear yet. I still feel that E* is part of the solution for us with picking up the VOOM 21. Sean's Rumor of last week, combined with the closing of VOOM last Thursday, Charlie Chat tonight and the board meeting next Monday, willl make me sit and wait. Chuck and Tom don't give up that easy. I think it will take a differnt forum. And they did talk about marketing the VOOM 21. That was never said in the previous shutdown.

So I am going to hold until the last date. Also check another post here and on AVSFORUM. Someone reports that they spoke to E* over the weekend and that their CSR said that VOOM would be offerened June 1st. That is just too specific to be ignored even coming from a CSR. I am going to check more today for more info.
ID rather see UHD and 10 premiums on E* than the Voom21. I Would RUN to E* for That! compared to a hohum sigh for the voom21

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