I recently became a member of The Association of Consumers to Preserve and Promote DBS Competition. There may be little chance that the Rainbow 1 sale will be denied by the FCC but if it were or were not I at least can say that I filed a statement with the FCC and was also a member of the Association. It is kind of like voting in a Pres. election. At least I voted thus giving me the right to comment. I did what I could (my part). If you wrote the FCC or some assembly person. made someone else aware or, are a member of the Association then COOL! way to go. If you are not going to be a member or have not attempted anything else outside this forum then you have only yourself to blame for the limited competition or high rates and you have no right to complain. All I am saying is it can't hurt. Voice your concern. Stand up for yourself and fight. Don't just sit there. Join The Association of Consumers to Preserve and Promote DBS Competition. Or join other groups or write letters. Just do something.
How do you feel? Post your thought here. Leave your last word.
How do you feel? Post your thought here. Leave your last word.