Xbox 360 bundle for $100 at Amazon?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 1, 2004
Cumming, GA
How This Works

Only the deal elected by customers will be offered. Every customer may vote once per week.
Only the quantities listed will be available at the winning price.
All products are brand new.
Voting closes Tuesday at 9 p.m. Pacific Time, and the winner will be announced Wednesday at 11 a.m. Pacific Time.
The winner will go on sale Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, at 11 a.m. Pacific Time. Be here!
How many think Amazon is going to be crashed at 11am PST on Thursday...

I know where I will be
Its just the core system. :(

If you want a Real XBOX360 then be here for our Holiday Party next month. :D

But at $100... the core system will do pretty good......

Given that in a lot of setups, you would just need the HD which you can get for $80 (on sale)... to get pretty much up to premium level...
We should do a poll on how long it will take the $100 XBox 360's to sell out at that price: 0.01 sec, 0.1 sec, 1 sec, 10 sec, 60 sec. The only way they will last longer than that is if Amazon crashes.
I knew about this a couple days ago but didn't want to mention it because the less people that know about it, the better shot I have at getting one.
I thnk that no matter what there will be tens of thousands tryng to get one of these. Good Luck.
Anyone know if there is an "official clock" on Amazon's website... so that we can "sync up"
What are you not getting by buying the core system as opposed to the "premium". Will the wireless controllers work with this one too?

The core and premium actuall XBOX360's are identical.
It is the accessories that are different.

Core comes with a wired controler, instead of a wirless ones... but the unit still has the components to work with the wireless ones.
Its just the core system. :(

If you want a Real XBOX360 then be here for our Holiday Party next month. :D

What are the terms for that contest? Will it just be open to people in the chat or how will it work? Or will it be something like an essay or something like for some of the past stuff? That is an awesome gift to be giving away.
I knew about this a couple days ago but didn't want to mention it because the less people that know about it, the better shot I have at getting one.
laff, yeah, but kinda hard to hide when its on the amazon front page.
There will sure be alot of people on line come Thanksgiving Day.

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