WTF Happened on Tonight's Chat?

The price increase was not as bad as it could have been, and the BingoTV twins made guys talk hornie.

OK, it wasn't as bad as the usual chat!

11 markets announced in December "by the end of January" turned into three - two on the 22nd and one on the 29th. NO mention of other cities by name.

Triangle TV - Charlie doesn't know the channel. Oh THAT channel! (fire the screener) Hem, Haw, Guffaw, go on.

Should have stayed on for a few more...


Is Scott's big announcement about the change to Vbb (or whatever) software for the boards?
Well the Charlie Chat sucked... but the Charlie Chat... Chat ROCKED!

We had 148 in the chat at 1 time!

Man you should have seen it when I announced the major announcement...

I announced that on January 17th SatelliteGuys.US would be CLOSING.

(I ran out of room to type more) ;)

The room was filled with "WHAT'S" and "Tell me its not true"

A sigh of relief was sounded when I said Closing so that we can upgrade to Vbulletin. Many people seemed very happy with the news. :)

After the announcement was made the Chat turned into a party room and everyone seems to have a good time, we even had another surprise giveaway!

While the chat on TV stunk, the online chat was one of my most favorite of all time, I thank all you guys for your support!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone have a synopsis of what wasa on CC tonite.

My Mom is bad sick in the hospital and I didn't get to see it or record it.

There was two statements I found interesting, they were kind of mentioned in passing:

1. By the end of the month *all* the 921 orders will be filled. Guess they are finally getting ready to put out the mega patch and can finally unlock the master 921 warehouse.

2. We will be adding cities that require a second dish... Makes me wonder if they are going to take D*'s lead and put a bunch of cities on a non Superdish/Dish 500 satellite. They of course have plenty of room on 148 to put a bunch of small markets, and even 157 could be used too. 148 has 11 unused transponders and could probably free up 6+ more if they really wanted to, some transponders have 3-4 channels on it.

17 transponders or 170 STDef channels could be 25-30 markets west of the Mississippi.
I won the DVD Player! :) :) :)

Strange thing was a friend called to ask me DirecTivo questions during the chat and I was unable to respond back to the chatroom.

I ended up missing most of the chat.

Scott I sent you a PM.

mike123abc said:
2. We will be adding cities that require a second dish... Makes me wonder if they are going to take D*'s lead and put a bunch of cities on a non Superdish/Dish 500 satellite. They of course have plenty of room on 148 to put a bunch of small markets, and even 157 could be used too. 148 has 11 unused transponders and could probably free up 6+ more if they really wanted to, some transponders have 3-4 channels on it.
It shouldn't take too long to find out. Two of the markets will begin to be sold next Wednesday.

I am disappointed that the other locals were sidelined. There will be no new locals on SuperDish this month.

Was there anything mentioned about the 811's or the lack of 811's?

They should have shown the "waiting list" on camera
I always though it made sense to use the side slots for locals since they don't require duplication (on the other side).

So these new markets are fully on the side sats (unlike Denver which is split between 110 and 148).

How many transponders does E* have left on 61.5 (vs 148)?
Yeah, but out of those 6, 4 will require a subscription to a movie package, BOOOOOOO! All HD should be in the HD pack, regardless!
So those HD channels have no additional charge if you subscribe to that movie package? I think that is the way it should be if that is the case. It would be nice to be able to purchase the handful of HD channels without having to purchase all of those individual packages just to get one HD channel in each package. In a sense some would see it as paying $12 for each HD channel (a little less for combination packages).

921 to DVHS VCR Let's see if JVC keeps their promise

921 motherboard identified at CES show

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