Yes they did. He told me I was the first call on his list and he started work at 6:30pm our time.
7:10 or so he called. We went through the entire situation and in the end this is where things sat:
Oct 2nd I will get the larger dish, we talked about the rain fade issue and all that was involved with it.
I will get credited at the least till July, the first official record they have of my escalation, even though it happened back on May 10th when the installer came out. There is a good possibility I will get credited till May, but thought let me see what they do for me.
All in all, he was very helpful, and gave his reason why the CSR's do not tell customers about the larger dishes, however I told him when a customer is on the phone, knows you have the larger dish, can reference actual proof there is a larger dish, continuing to lie about existence of said dish just pisses people off..
In the end, it looks like I will end up with what I wanted, first and foremost the 24" dish, installed by another company. After my story of the guy pouring water on the dish they are sending an out of state install company to do my upgrade.
The credit is also inline with what I expected. Either one of two things will happen, they will credit my bill 100 percent, around 360 dollars, or 260 of it. I did forget to mention the illegal sales tax and will bring that up with him tommorow when he calls back to straighten out the billing situation.
I did not give him a new CC number today, and don't think I will until I get the final verdict based on their billing department.
I was in the middle of replacing bushings on my car when he called so I didn't spend a ton of time with him, but will tommorow when he calls back.
From what I gathered, alot of their problems lie within their management system. What needs to happen to get things approved and fixed. They are on the ropes dollar wise so upper management is micro managing things to try to keep costs down as much as possible, which just leads to pissing off your customers, which leads to more lost revenue, but hey, thats just my opinion.
I kind of got into the whole lying bit a few times....told him especially with the general demographic they are dealing with, you assume they have a certain type of customer, who falls into a certain education level and all that other happy marketing BS. There customer service just needs huge improvements, and that needs to come from putting the power more into the CSR's hands.
I bet the CSR I initially called did the right thing, then some manager shot it down and left it sit.
Maybe I should send them my resume, I'll straighten the call center out