Could be that , but this is not the first time it rains but it is the first time I see this happening. I can even get the 3 narrow (4444) PBS feed TP's and although they are heavily breaking I can see the bars with different station names (the first 2 are the same) which I think since they are not being used right now , they are running very low on power I guess because the 12100 feed has an HD signal with 50Q and BTW only 4340 SR so you can tell the difference in PQ big time (it has a lot of macroblocking). Will see if it stays like this tomorrow but I am thinking is atmospheric conditions related. Kind of like the gradient temperature inversion in the troposphere that creates the tropospheric duct that with very low losses that allows VHF/UHF signals to travel way farther than normally, like back in cuba several summer days a year it even supersedes Tele Rebelde or Cubavision local signals.
The list does not have LPB nor OETA so I take it they are no longer available eventhough their website has the info and some members 10 days ago stated they got those signals.
Any difficult DVB-S2 Ku signal to try to lock with this undersized 6 footer now that the weather seems to help?.
Like ICE, I too was a bit confused by talking about 2 different sats, although I'm not sure which other sat you're referring to.
But I was interested in the 3 4444 signals. When you said they were the same, sometimes this means that they are just running the same slate, which I assume means that at the time they are being uplinked from the same site (all three of these 4444 signals seem to uplink from different sites at different times). HOWEVER, sometimes when two of these channels have the same programming on them, it's due to LO freq drift in the LNB/LNBF. Ie I've seen times when my lnbf or lnb has drifted so much that I can receive the same channel when tuning 2 differen freqs, so that at times when in reality there is different programming on the 3 channels, it looks like 2 of them are the same (not sure that made sense).
Anyway, I tuned in the three 4444 channels just now, and the 12163 and 12169 both had a test pattern with a PBS NOC bar slowly moving up and down. They looked identical, and the bars were even in the exact same place when the two channels were viewed on different receivers side by side. So I was trying to figure out a way to tell if I was really seeing two different signals or if my LO freq had drifted again. I tuned in the 12175 signal, and it was breaking up when I tuned in at 12175, but was solid when I tuned at 12173, so I though perhaps my LO had drifted. So I studied the 12163 and 12169 channels with TSREADER, and finally found a difference. The stream on 12169 indicated a Transport Stream ID of 12, while the stream on 12163 indicated a Transport Stream ID of 11. Otherwise they looked identical. Same bitrates, same A/V PIDs, same channel number. So anyway, next time I'm thinking that maybe I'm seeing the same signal, this might be a way to tell.
While on AMC21, I looked, and while I'm seeing OETA fine, I'm no longer seeing LPB. I looked at the spectrum on both polarities, and as usual, I'm seeing the vertical channels being slightly stronger, at least on the upper PBS transponders. The LPB transponder is still there, and looks quite strong in the spectrum. The 12120H signal is also quite strong, but I can't lock that either. So again, I seem to be having issues with some of the horizontal transponders, but I don't think it's signal strength. Must be something else, like interferrence from something else. Perhaps something like the tropospheric ducting or other skip phenomena you mentioned are bringing in some horizontal signal that's interferring with the quality on the horizontal side.
That AMC-21 sat is sure FULL though. Virtually every transponder in use, although most of the signals there I can't lock, as they are apparently in modes I can't tune. Just as a demo of how full the sat is, I'm attaching spectra of the two polarities below. In the first horizontal scan, at the right you can see the three 4444 signals, the 12150, 12120, a narrow 12098?, and the 12072 LPB signal, all quite clean and strong, but for some reason, I can't lock the LPB today. In the 2nd vertical, you can see from the right, the 12180, 12140, 12112, 12104, and 12096 signals. But you can also see a ton of other signals on both polarities, a few of which I can lock, but most that I can't. That sat is full of signals.