Would you buy a “mini/retro” DIRECTV box?

There's a weird trend out there which I've recently become aware of. There are companies out there making miniature versions of old computers that actually run the old computer software. They do it with emulation, I guess, and supposedly it's a pretty popular thing. If you ever had an Atari 2600 in your youth (and if you're over 50, who didn't) then you can find a replica that works the same but it's smaller. It's a weird thing considering how primitive the software for these things was and how far we've come. But hey, nostalgia is a funny thing.

Party like it's 1994

2024 is the 30th anniversary of the launch of DIRECTV. I'm not aware of the company doing anything special, though. The 25th anniversary, back in 2019, was during the AT&T era and I think that explains why there wasn't a lot of celebration at that time. But DIRECTV is back under independent control and I personally think that having a mini/retro styled DIRECTV box might just be a fun thing.



As far as I can tell, this was the very first DIRECTV-capable satellite receiver, the RCA DRD102RW. It's hard to tell by the photo but it was about the size of a pizza box. I mean, look at the slot on the right. It's intended for a credit-card sized access card, which should give you some idea of just how big this thing was.

Personally I think it would be cool if DIRECTV did a mini version of this box, but with the innards of a Gemini. The front panel buttons on these mini replicas usually don't work, and that would be ok for this one too. You'd just need a way to see the power and network lights that was consistent with the design of this big bad boy. Maybe you could put them where the IR sensor was, to the left of the access card. Maybe they could repackage it with something that looks like the original remote. Keep in mind that this remote looked cool and futuristic in 1994.


Would they do something like this?

I don't know if they would, but they could and a lot less expensively than you would think. In 2024, doing short runs of injection molded parts and circuit boards is a lot less expensive than it once was. There's a huge global manufacturing infrastructure out there. That means a lot of factories competing for business and that drives costs down. Many of these factories are overseas in areas where labor costs are lower and environmental laws are more lax. That may not be the best thing for the people or the planet, but it does make things like this possible.

Better question: would you buy something like this?

The funny thing is, maybe I would. As I get older, I tend to dwell more and more on old technology, looking at it with a smile that I probably didn't have back then. This old tech takes us back to a day when you couldn't find out the world's knowledge on a pocket-sized glass plank, when you needed a dime to make a phone call, and when most television was local. It may not have been a better world in a lot of ways, but it doesn't stop us from looking back with it fondly.

In the meantime, if you do want a Gemini or any other DIRECTV equipment, shop the great selection at Solid Signal! If you want the kind of personalized service that everyone used to get in 1994, call the experts at 888-233-7563. We're here during East Coast business hours. If it's after hours, fill out the form below.

The post Would you buy a "mini/retro" DIRECTV box? appeared first on The Solid Signal Blog.

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Podcast #575: DIRECTV is TAKING AWAY local channels? Why? WHY WHY!!

Ken Reid and A.L. Katz & Gil Adler
