cmd wasn't there.. in Run
but tracert worked (windows ME here)
and msdos box popped in.. and it's doing it now as i speak.. type
let me see...
Tracing routes ..blah blah.. to that address above.. over a maximum 30 hops
and it's doing it.. so far at #11 .. and all of them are "Request timed out."
So i suspect all 30 tries will be like that... at #15 now...
In any case.. i think i am f*****.. hehe..
I can go to anywhere else though on the net (and again.. i am in Win ME.. with IA 6.0)
So how do i fix this.. who do i contact.. and what do i give them.. or what info do i supply to them?
P.S. on #28 now.. it's hopeless.. all are dead
Done.. none were alive
Any suggestions what to do now??????