Cheapo home-made digital antenna, the 722k with DTV module, and fall TV season and I'm all set. Oh, and for DirecTV.. suck it boys, G4 and AOTS is too fun.
Antenna is about 30 miles from the transmitter, and in the basement pointing out a sliding glass door at more houses and trees. I have a Radio Shack signal booster plugged in to the output of the antenna, and get high 80's to mid 90's on the UHF channels, and mid to high 70's for the VHF channels. Don't have any real signal issues until it falls below 70.
probably won't stick with all the timers, but at least now I can give each show a shot.
Anyone else happy about the 722k?
Antenna is about 30 miles from the transmitter, and in the basement pointing out a sliding glass door at more houses and trees. I have a Radio Shack signal booster plugged in to the output of the antenna, and get high 80's to mid 90's on the UHF channels, and mid to high 70's for the VHF channels. Don't have any real signal issues until it falls below 70.
probably won't stick with all the timers, but at least now I can give each show a shot.
Anyone else happy about the 722k?