Will MPEG-4 boxes down-rez component video?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Sep 12, 2003
KC Area
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe there is a FCC requirement that any "digital tuner" designed after July 1, 2005 will only supply full 720p and 1080i to digital outputs. All other outputs (read: component) would be down-rezzed to 480p. Three questions:

1) Is this true, and
2) If this is true, does it affect both terrestrial and satellite receivers, and
3) If the E* boxes are 311/322/522/942-based, would they be exempt?

Sorry, just realized my mistake: This ruling MAY take effect in July 2007, NOT 2005. As Emily Littella would say, "Never Mind!"

I just hope it doesn't affect me. I have an EDTV plasma and I'm running at 1080i but I realize it downrezes to my tv's true resolution of 480p. I think the 1080i looks better as a setting than the 480p though.
The downrez feature would be switched on/off as demanded or required by the content providers. It would not be universally used, if used at all. Right now, the only expectation for its use is possibly for PPV and premium channels. Although the "broadcast flag" would apply to OTA, this is just establishing a technical capability that "preserves" the capacity for broadcasters to someday also show premium content. When's the last time you regarded anything OTA as premium?
A lot of regular TV shows would probably be downrezzed too. Why would people buy the DVD's when they come out if they already have a better recording they made with an HTPC?

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