ZIP Code 75455
Is Service Available YES
Service Date 2007-01-01
Available Speed 1500.0
Latitude 33.2225
Longitude -94.9542
Azimuth 204.2
Elevation 47.6
Skew 67.0
Boom Arm Angle 30.0
Antenna Pointing Aid 1
Thank you very much Birddoggy. About 4AM this mourning I remembered that I had put in area instead of zip code but I had already gone to bed and I just now got back on line. Thanks for over looking the mistake. My daughter's boyfriend's dish got knocked out of line. I hope he can use these coordinants and get it back working.
good luck, Wildblue dishes are VERY sensitive, if the dish is off by a quarter inch in any direction, it will not work well, or possibly, at all.
Get a good angle finder and put it on the arm and use that setting... and move it very very slowly, stop, give the modem a few seconds to try to lock, then move it a hair more, stop, give it a few seconds to try to lock, repeat... it is soooooo much easier with a meter
Yes, it must be hard to line up. I loaned him a meter but he called late this afternoon and said he couldn't pick up a signal. I will go over tomorrow and see what I can do. If it's that sensitive he will probably have to call WildBlue
Yes, it must be hard to line up. I loaned him a meter but he called late this afternoon and said he couldn't pick up a signal. I will go over tomorrow and see what I can do. If it's that sensitive he will probably have to call WildBlue
What kind of meter did you loan him? And do you have an APA? it may be necessary in your area to hit the right spotbeam
o, and if you put a angle finder on the arm of the thing and go off of that, it is much easier