Why Does'nt Dish Network Get NBC HD and FOX HD and Bravo HD? Directv and Voom Do.


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 16, 2004
Why does'nt Dish Network have NBC HD and Fox HD...directv has it.They also carry Bravo HD.
Does NBC and Fox have an air tight contract with these stations.Voom also gets NBC and Fox in HD..
Will Dish be getting these channels in HD and WHEN?
Capacity constraints. There's no room at the inn. I wouldn't expect much as for HD growth until E*10 flies later in 2005... or something spactacular happens at 61.5.
Woah there.

Voom only has Bravo

DirecTV has bravo and nbc e/w but they are compressing the heck out of showtime, hbo, and hdnet movies to have room for them.

No one has Fox hd e/w
Surprize...Directv NOW Has FOX in HD !

I had Directv since a week ago and am back with Dish Network.But when I was with Directv they gave me choices of HDTV channels ..the options Directv gave me was FOX HD,NBC HD and CBS HD.
Directv DOES have FOX HD..from my own PERSONAL experience.,
Directv had FOX-HD for the MLB playoffs. They are currently not available for everything, yet. Rumor has it that D* will make it available after NFL season is over.
GaryPen said:
Rumor also had it that it was legal wranging by Charles & Co. that has kept Fox-HD off of D*
From my understanding, Ergen fought back when Rupert (Owner of Fox Networks), bid to purchase DirecTV, and the SEC filing was that Rupert would have to provide FOX-HD to E* if this route was pursued. I may not have all the facts in place on this response, but again this is my understanding.

nippjas said:
From my understanding, Ergen fought back when Rupert (Owner of Fox Networks), bid to purchase DirecTV, and the SEC filing was that Rupert would have to provide FOX-HD to E* if this route was pursued. I may not have all the facts in place on this response, but again this is my understanding.


Cable also was a big player in setting the rules that D* and Newscorp have to live by. Simply stated D* can't use it's relationship with Newscorp (FOX) to gain an unfair competitive advantage. Any disputes between D*, E* and cable are subject to third party arbitration.

BFG said:
Woah there.

Voom only has Bravo

DirecTV has bravo and nbc e/w but they are compressing the heck out of showtime, hbo, and hdnet movies to have room for them.

No one has Fox hd e/w

BS!. NBC HD and CBS HD are on 101 satellite, so they have nothing to do with Showtime or HBO. They compressing channels on 110 satellite due NFL Sunday Ticket. Once it is over they will be back to normal. Besides Dish is recompressing HBO and Showtime too.
Nbc Hd

I think Dish Network better get there act together with getting NBC HD on board. To my surprise my local cable co Cox Cable is catching up with Dish Network with HD channels.

I hope Dish Network gets NBC HD on board soon!!
CKNA said:
BS!. NBC HD and CBS HD are on 101 satellite, so they have nothing to do with Showtime or HBO. They compressing channels on 110 satellite due NFL Sunday Ticket. Once it is over they will be back to normal. Besides Dish is recompressing HBO and Showtime too.

Wrong. HBO, Showtime and HDNet Movies are compressed 24/7 and it has nothing to do NFL Sunday Ticket. Their Whole HD layot is spread across 3 satellites, so you can't just relate the compression to one satellite, as the transponders they are placed on would be the same regardless of satellite. The NFL Sunday Ticket channels are only uplinked on sunday, so they actually add even more compression to the other channels on sunday.

Move to MPEG4 - So is 921 obsolete in 05?

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