I sit back and laugh at many of these folks who say they are leaving and going to another provider.
While I don't like price increases, what are the alternatives?
Fios? Its only available in very limted areas, and they just announced an 8% price increase.
DirecTV? As I posted yesterday its rumored DirecTV will be soon announcing a price increase which will take effect in March.
Cable? Here in our area cable went up 12%
What is Dish going up? Nothing if you have the Family Package or the AT60 (Now AT100 package) and $3 if you have AT120 or AT180 package. The Everypackage is going up $5 because the cost of premiums are going up (HBO and Cinemax)
I find $3 or even $5 reasonable when you look at how much everything else is going up. Look when gas was near $4 a gallon, people said oh my god gas is so expensive, yet no one stopped using gas and in fact in some areas gas sales went UP when the price was high.
If you want satellite prices to stay the same call ESPN and tell them to stop spending millions and millions of dollars for these sports packages. Call HBO and tell them to stop spending millions on making great shows like the Sorpranos. Someone pays those costs and unfortunately its us.
Thiink about it for a moment, what could you buy for $3? A coffee from Starbucks? (Might be a few cents short) a happy meal at McDonnalds? (That might be more then $3 too... You can't even buy a pack of smokes for $3. So whats $3 for entertainment that you enjoy?
Think about it, yes we are not happy there is another price increase but is it really that bad? And if it really is then what are the alternatives?
Just something to make you think.