Who’s responsible for getting good cell service inside a commercial building?

Let’s get all this right out in the open.

Yes, the cell service in your building stinks. You’re probably reading this article on your computer because if you tried to load it up on your phone it would take FOREVER, even though you have the latest and greatest hardware and you probably pay over $100 a month for cell service. How could that be?

Commercial buildings are actually designed that way​

For starters, commercial buildings aren’t designed for good cell service. Even brand new ones aren’t. Every part of your building is working against good service. Got bricks on the outside? Iron oxide in the clay blocks signals. Got energy efficient windows? They block all forms of radiation, not just heat, so cell signals can’t get through. How about tall buildings around you? They’ll stop cell signals too. Metal pipes for water, network conduits and rails, even the electric fields created by computers can block or cut down on cell signals. When you look at it, it’s amazing that you get any reception at all.

So, the real question is, whose fault is it? Who should be responsible for the fact that your phone, an essential tool for business, is unusable while you’re actually at your business?

It’s not so straightforward.​

In the early days of cell phones, carriers would do almost anything to get your business. They’d give you free phones, discounted plans, whatever it took. You know they don’t do that stuff anymore. Well, another thing they used to do is take responsibility for the service inside your building. They would come in and place repeaters and other hardware on the roof or in the server closet, as long as you could guarantee a certain number of phones in use. None of that stuff happens for free anymore. If you want a phone, you pay for it. If you want better service, the building owner or tenant has to pay for it.

Think about it this way. You wouldn’t expect your internet company to come in and wire your computers. Their responsibility stops with a box on the outside of the building, or sometimes in the server closet. Either way, the responsibility for getting internet to your computers is all on you. The building owner might have pre-wired things, put some cables in the walls, but it’s up to the people who work there to do the rest. The same is true with your company’s landline phones.

Why would you think cell service would be any different?

What can you do if you have bad cell service at work?​

I know that for the entire history of cell phones, we’ve basically expected everything for free. But face facts, you don’t need to be “sold” on using your cell. The era of the free lunch is over my friends, and you can either complain about it or find a way to do something about it.

It’s time for business owners and building managers to realize that getting good cellular service inside a building is their responsibility. The cell phone isn’t an optional piece of equipment, it’s a critical part of people’s lives. Providing good cell service is just as important as providing heat or lights. That’s why every business owner and building manager needs to start thinking about investing in some sort of cellular signal solution.

The best thing to do in most cases is a large cellular signal booster. Systems can be configured to meet your exact needs with antennas placed to improve coverage throughout the building. A cellular signal booster provides voice and data coverage to every carrier at the same time and improves call quality and data speeds for everyone. This means less time for employees to be away from their desks if critical calls come in, it means more access to critical emergency information without tying up your company’s internet, and most of all it means your customers won’t think twice because they’re afraid of being disconnected.

If you’re ready for a quality, professional-level cellular signal booster system, or you think your boss or building manager is, give the people at Solid Signal a call at 888-233-7563 and talk to the professionals. If you wait for your cell phone company to improve service inside your building, you’ll be waiting for a long time. Why not take care of the problem now?

The post Who’s responsible for getting good cell service inside a commercial building? appeared first on The Solid Signal Blog.

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It depends on the size of the building and how many potential customers are in the building...if there is a profit to be made..the big telecom companies will do it...but your run of the mill office building has to pay for it

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