Whos got a Slingbox?

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Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
So who out there has a Slingbox?

This is one of my favorite gadgets to come out in years (ok my VX6700 ranks up there but not as high as the Slingbox)

I cant wait for the Windows Mobile viewer software so I can watch my Slingbox on my phone.

If you have a Slingbox tell us what you like about it and what you would like to see changed.
My friend just got one, only to be disappointed that the required upload speed be 256K and his provider (as well as many others) only give 128K, please realize this is not a knock on the unit itself, since he tested it over the LAN and it worked perfectly, it is his own fault for not reading the requirments for the unit.
I use mine all the time, usually to schedule things I didn't know were on till after I got to work. Just today I scheduled my 522 to record the Echo X launch.

A great feature is the ability to switch between multiple inputs. I have the 522 on S-Video and the RCA jacks, and my MRX1000 on the coax channel 4.

The new beta software has an almost fully functional Dish DVR remote but unfortunately I haven't found any way yet to control the MRX1000. So I can only view whatever is currently on whatever channel I left it on. My first requirement for the next FTA box I get is that it have a compatible Slingbox remote code.
If I had high speed internet and/or the cell phone service that would suppor this I would buy both products in a heartbeat, perhaps more than one. This would be one of the best things to happen to television since DVR. This would make television not only mobile but in full control allowing you to watch any of your recorded shows at any time as well and no additional subscription fees would be charged.
My current upload speed is hitting 90 Kb/s now so it should be more than adequate. I believe that equates to 720 kbps. ie I can upload a 30 minute video to my website in a little over a minute that is 66 MB file. I was considering renewing my smart TV for my XV6700 but I may just get one of these and have more for a one time 20 month Smart TV investment. Thanks for the tip. While I'll be able to use it on the laptop right away, I was really happy to learn they will soon have the WM5 player out soon. Thanks for the tip.
Don, the requirment is 256Kbps. You have 90Kbps, not even half the requirement. (unless, see below)

Did you perhaps mean 90KBps? (big B) which is 720Kbps, that would be almost 1Mb/sec which is more in line of your 66M file upload speed, in which case, yes you have plenty of pipe. :)

I also think I should mention, there is alot of talk going on about packet prioritization, meaning that many ISPs are going to start throttling certain known protocols (ISPs hate when you upload too much too fast for too long, they really really do), so it will be a matter of time before some of these ISPs start seeing slingbox traffic as a capacity threat, and start either charging you to prioritize that traffic, or throttling it, and some might outright block the ports, and if the ports are reassignable, they will start using layer7 filtering, the processing power of the newer routers are not far from allowing layer7 filtering in large scale enviroments, they will use them, trust me.
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These ISPs better stop advertising their service as "unlimited access" if they are going to start pulling those sort of tricks.
Pepper said:
These ISPs better stop advertising their service as "unlimited access" if they are going to start pulling those sort of tricks.

I totally agree with that, check out Verizons idea of unlimited access in regards to their wireless offerings.

"Unlimited NationalAccess/BroadbandAccess services cannot be used (1) for uploading, downloading or streaming of movies, music or games, (2) with server devices or with host computer applications, including, but not limited to, Web camera posts or broadcasts, automatic data feeds, Voice over IP (VoIP), automated machine-to-machine connections, or peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing, or (3) as a substitute or backup for private lines or dedicated data connections. "

Seems pretty limited to me.

I would like to note, that it is not unreasonable for them to have limits on wireless activity, however, the use of the word Unlimited, could be argued by them to mean 'You can use it any time', but they know _damn_ well what the average point-n-click user 'thinks' unlimited should be.
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Every time I post the speed data using KBPS Kbps or kBps or whatever another tech tells me I did it wrong, again. That is why I followed it with an explanation. If I say I'm going 50 MPH or 50 mph most people would know how fast I'm going. But seems I can never get it right to please every tech with the K or k and the M or m and the B or b etc. . Actually, I don't think most techs know themselves. :) Maybe for the techs out there I should just always spell it out as in 90 kilobytes per second.

964.909 kbps ( 120.614 KBps) as taken from from my most recent upload data log

Also, I have live motion video security cameras here that I can see on my XV6700 Verizon EVDO. It would not do but one image every 3 minutes when I had T-Mobile GPRS.

Also, I believe legally, Verizon would be hard pressed to enforce the paragraph you posted since it also advertises that their EVDO service can be used for exactly what you posted in that paragraph they say you can't do. Sounds to me the techs are writing their own company policy, not unlike they did at Comcast. And, I could tell you some real horror stories about how the techs screwed up and cost Comcast S11 million in late 2004 for enforcing something they had believed was technically right but the company had advertised and sold service differently. That was kind of like the capital B vs. lower case b too.

What Pepper said is not just referring to use of the word "Unlimited" It is more specific than that as their Verizon reps are stating exactly what you can and cannot do with the EVDO service and that includes stating "download and play music and video off the web."

Also, not sure you know this but Verizson currently does not throttle back their upload speed. I have run numerous tests on it in different parts of the country and it seems to peak upload the same as download in all areas.

However, I do see the point in a sustained high usage as with long form streaming video from a website such as the one I do. But then I use a hosting service that specifically advertises its service use for streaming video.

Edit2- OK- finally found it as it was not in my agreement but refers to the calling plan that can change and did change since my contract was signed.

It says in addition to your posting:

"We reserve right to limit throughput or amount of data transferred, deny or terminate service, without notice, to anyone we believe is using NationalAccess or BroadbandAccess in any manner prohibited above or whose usage adversely impacts our network or service levels. Verizon Wireless reserves the right to protect its network from harm, which may impact legitimate data flows. We also reserve the right to terminate service upon expiration of Customer Agreement term."

I think this means that if they decide to they will terminate your contract. I doubt a 5 minute sustained download of a data file containing a video or audio clip would seriously affect their network but what do I know about how fragile their system is??? However, I can see an issue with sling boxes and 24/7 webcams or 24/7 audio feeds for monitoring security systems. Something this sustained could be reason to opt for termination of your agreement.

Anyway, thanks for alerting me to this limitation in their agreement. Next time I hear a Verizon salesman telling a prospective customer like he did me, I suppose I'll need to be the party pooper and kill his sales pitch. :) Let him complain to his boss that their sales program and agreements don't quite match.
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just got my slingbox from amazon.com...wow its amazing..set it up pretty fast..sister at st marys was watching dish minutes later...id recommend it to anyone..its amazing
...ill try it out at the office today :D
Jeremy from Slingbox is a member here, although I have not seen him post in awhile, maybe we can prod him for info on the Windows Mobile Client. :)
I got one shortly after I took a test drive on yours Scott. I love it. I mainly use it to schedule things but this fall everyone in the office would gather around my computer to watch Charlie Weis' football show that I recorded each week off of CSTV. I increased my upload speed at home from 256 to 384 which made quite a difference.

I have an IPAQ w/ windows mobile on it but I am looking for a phone with that OS. Right now all Cingular offers is the IPAQ with the phone. That may work just fine though.
I've been using a Slingbox since last summer, mostly around the house. There's nothing like watching a baseball game while sitting by the pool. I've occasionally used it at the office when there's breaking news, and once in a while to schedule a recording remotely.
Maniacal1 good to see you here. :)

I have my ExpressVu system hooked up to my Slingbox as well as my cable tv connection.

Currently for streaming video to my phone I use orb.com but am looking forward to the Slinbox add on as the orb service is not reliable.

Have a 3 year old it is great when he is being bad to whip out the phone turn on TV and it quiets him down instantly. (This works best at Resturants) :) I will love it when I can use the Slinbox over my phone because now I will be able to access the DVR features so he can see his favorite show (go diego go) no matter where he is. :)
John Walsh said:
I got one shortly after I took a test drive on yours Scott. I love it. I mainly use it to schedule things but this fall everyone in the office would gather around my computer to watch Charlie Weis' football show that I recorded each week off of CSTV. I increased my upload speed at home from 256 to 384 which made quite a difference.

I have an IPAQ w/ windows mobile on it but I am looking for a phone with that OS. Right now all Cingular offers is the IPAQ with the phone. That may work just fine though.
The Cingular 8125 was made available to B2B customers yessterday. It should be available to the general public within a couple of months.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Jeremy from Slingbox is a member here, although I have not seen him post in awhile, maybe we can prod him for info on the Windows Mobile Client. :)

Nah, leave him be. I'm a member of the Slingbox forum (like you Scott) and every day people pound him on that issue. With all of the NDAs still in force he couldn't tell us anything even if he wanted to. ;)
I myself have been very interested in the Slingbox and it's competing product, Sony's LocationFree system. They both have strengths and weaknesses--but the idea of site casting your media is awesome, the next big thing, imho. Big plus on the Slingbox side: their support/development team is a great bunch, very responsive and interested in feedback/suggestions as far as I've experienced via forums and e-mails.

The main things that keep me interested in the Sony are its support of the PSP and, mainly, its inclusion of two full sets of inputs and seamless switching (I'm planning on tapping both my E* DVR and my Sony DVD juke). Were the Slingbox capable of those there would be no question I'd go with their product (especially when they get their Mac OS client released, which is hopefully soon). I don't currently have a Windows portable/phone, so their development in that direction doesn't work for me (yet).

P.S. "LEBOWSKI100"--that's the best coupon code I've seen in a while. Makes me thirsty for a white russian.
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