When are 301 receivers going to be decommissioned?


Original poster
Sep 25, 2011
I was reading that this receiver does not support 8PSK and all channels are moving to 8PSK in 2012? Is it worth buying a used 301 now? Any ETA on 8PSK fully implemented?
There is no set date for when they will stop.. But if you have a 301 and it is active on your account.. They will replace it for free with a 311.. But I am not sure if they will even activate a 301 anymore????
have one here, owned it for years. wonder if it will be replaced and still be considered "owned".
But only if it is active on the account.. I have 2 of them.. But they have not been active for about 5 years..
If we could find out a firm date I would, on the day before, activate the stack of them I've accumulated over the years.
There is no set date for when they will stop.. But if you have a 301 and it is active on your account.. They will replace it for free with a 311.. But I am not sure if they will even activate a 301 anymore????

yes they will....DIRT confirmed it a month or so ago
Yes they are. All 301's all Legacy receivers.. and I be leave 508's. I don't think they have a date set yet.. Being that they want to get them all changed first.. Then when the think they have them all changed they will probably set a date.. But, That is just my guess..
Dish has always had a plan to replace receivers as they become out dated in the past. Believe me they do not want to lose customers because of a conversion. The only real issue in the past has been that owned receivers can be replaced with leased receivers. Some have complained hard enough to get owned replacements in the past, but usually it is leased.

Essentially you still own your old receiver but it is just a fancy door stop, so you really do not lose anything by having a replacement being leased (since now you can avoid DVR fees with the 211s if that is your goal). There is no difference in fees between owned and leased. Dish has also replace them without extending any commitments.

So, all in all Dish has worked hard in the past to take care of their customers when they change technology.
I'm still not sure they will treat the Flex customers the same.
That is why I am asking if there are any Flex customers who have received replacement equipment for free.
Being a FLex customer I am forced to own my equipment and I am not locked into any agreement and I pay for my programming in advance.

About 5 months ago Dish contacted me and said my 301 was being discontinued and they wanted to upgrade me to a new receiver. They were going to send me the replacement and the person on the phone said it would be free but when she had almost all of my information and we were almost done with the call she said the computer was asking for a credit card and they wanted to bill me for the receiver. Since I already purchased a 722 and added to my account I told them no thanks I did not want to purchase another receiver at this time. But if I can get one free now I would.
If it is still active.. Dish will replace i for free.. If I was you I would get a hold of one of the DIRT members and do it threw them...
The longer they push out the conversion, the less customers they have to convert over due to churn and customers requesting upgrades on their.

Look at the Dish300. I remember back in 1999 when they first came out it looked like it would take forever to switch them all out. Now you don't see any at all.

Heck just the other day I had a lady come in with a dead 4000. I swapped out the power supply from a 4000 I had in stock and she was back up and running again.

Tried to upgrade her, and she was happy with what she had.

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