Dish 300 - (no longer available) Satellite Dish that receives signal from one DBS Location at a time
----- (61.5º, 72.7º, 77º, 110º, 119º, 129º)
Dish 500 - Satellite Dish originally designed to get signal from 110º and 119º simultaneously. It is now the "main" dish used for getting only one satellite as well. It can be used to get 119º/129º or 61.5º and 72.7º
Dish 1000 - (Defunct, though the term is still misused) Satellite Dish designed to get 110º/119º/129º simultaneously. This configuration is now called "Western Arc" and it will give subscribers all the main national programming and locals channel.
Dish 1000.2 --May or may not have "TurboHD" printed on the Dish itself -- Same as Dish 1000 except slightly larger. This is the current model for Western Arc
Dish 1000.4--May or may not have "TurboHD" printed on the dish itself --- Dish specifically designed to receive 61.5º/72.7º/77º (Eastern Arc) This dish allows subscribers to get the same programming as Western Arc, but local channel availability will vary.
Dish 500+ (500Plus) Dish specifically designed for International channel subscribers with will receive 110º/119º for regular programming and 118.7º for internationals.
Dish 1000+ (1000Plus) Same as above but for 110/119/129 and 118.7.
SuperDish 105 (Obsolete) for 110/119 and a defunct location 105º
SuperDish 121 (Obsolete for residential Subscribers) For 110/119 and defunct location for residential subs at 121º.
61.5 mostly HD channels, some SD channels. Very few internationals
72.7 Most national SD and some HD channels. Some local channels. (Dish Latino SD channels uplinked here but not yet available to subscribers.
77 Some local channels
110 Many Local channels mostly SD some HD. Many upper tier SD channels, some national HD channels. Dish Latino SD channels.
118.7 International channels in several dozen languages
119 Most mid and lower tier SD channels, some local SD and HD channels.
129 Most national HD channels, some local HD and SD channels.
Eastern Arc and Western Arc have 99.9% the same national channels. Local channel availability would make the difference on which one you would use.
Turbo HD is the name of a programming package that is no longer available to new subscribers. It was renamed AmericaHD or something stupid like that. The new name has also been dropped as this package goes away since the HD counterparts of SD channels will now be included at no charge with the basic packages after a 1 time $99 fee for new subscribers. Current subscribers that already get the HD channels PLUS platinum for $10 total will be automatically rolled into the new packages and will see no change in their bill.