What should I do?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 19, 2004
Brownsburg, IN
I have a hughes HD receiver in my living room. I want to get an HD DVR especially if we are gettin tons more HD. Should I get one now and then upgrade it or should I wait till they do the conversion and get equiptment at that time?

Any ideas?
As described by 100 different theories by 1000 different people, it all a crap shoot at this point. No one even knows for a 100% certainty that the "tons more HD" you speak of is going to be a reality; past the spot beamed HD LIL.

My stance is no matter what, I think people already into HD services will fair better and sooner than those without HD. I also SPECULATE those out of any mandatory contracts will also. If you were a 100% new sub I would wait and see.

I also think if you are outside of the top 20 DMAs why wait anyway. I think that non-HD, current subs will be the odd people out; UNLESS they have been long timers like my 9 years; but I have HD already, so its a moot point for me.

This is all my speculation. which is all ANYONE here can give until DirecTV comes up with a press release.
I know, I am only asking for opinions... I am in Indiana and I will be out of my current contract here very soon... I signed up before last football season.
I just signed on for the HD TIVO b/c it was killing me not having it, but I did not have HD before. My situation was a bit different than yours, but the waiting and the speculation was the worst part, but now I have what I have and will wait and see how it all unfolds.
I'm guessing you get you locals from Indy.

Based on this list from NAB Indy is number 25. Since there is all this talk about the MPEG4 and HD LIL for the top 12 or 20 or what ever the magic market number is, I'd say you are a little ways out.

Personally I see no reason to not go ahead with the HDTIVO, espically at the great price VE has it for these days.

We are all waiting with baited breath to see what D* does with current customers anyway, not to mention the whole Media Center that LonghornXP has told us about. Heck it might not even be out this time next year. Why wait for something that isn't even out yet? (reminds me of the waiting game for E*'s 941, and V*'s DVR.)

I feel that D* will continue to broadcast most of its content in MPEG2 for a long time coming. I think you'd be happy with the investment.
It's a gamble either way, Alvarez... If I were in your position, I'd go ahead and jump on the HD tivo. That way you can use it while you are waiting on the dust to settle on the new sats and new HMC boxes, etc, etc.
Eventhough no one can guarantee what the upgrade offers will be, and eventhough D* is getting crazy with their increased rates for ST you have to expect that they will make it enticing to stick with them. They are getting too much competition from cable and E* now.
Enjoy the HD tivo, and just watch for the upgrade offers to mpg4 equipment to arrive.
One of the issues I see is if you go ahead now and buy the HD-DVR will you get credit if you want to switch to the lease option that will be with the HMC?

I think Longhorn answered that a while ago but I cannot find it.
Well I would need an installer to run the new HDTivo 2nd line and drill through my brick. Not to mention the new multiswitch I would need (current one is at capacity) For them to send an installer I would have to enter another year agreement prolly... would this put me in a worse situation with D* on the coming upgrade?
I'm pretty sure you can rent a hammer drill from Lowe's or Home Depot, for pretty cheap. ;) Remeber to pick up some silicone sealent to make your drill hole watertight.

I bet Robert would be happy to sell you a new switch with your HD TIVO.

And thus you avoid a contact situation!
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