Please learn how to use words correctly, such as these examples:
"They're taking their stuff over there."
They're is used for They Are.
Their shows posession.
there is a place.
"You're taking your package."
You're is used for You Are.
your is possesive. It belongs to you.
"Then I would rather have this than that."
Then is when.
Than shows comparision
"It's too late.
"It's to late.
"There are two ways to look at this, too."
Two is a number
too can be substituted with ALSO
to works otherwise.
And it's is It IS.
These are just a few pet peeves. I see these mistakes often on this board and others.
I am not a expert on grammer, but I know these and it bugs me to see educated people use them wrong.
"They're taking their stuff over there."
They're is used for They Are.
Their shows posession.
there is a place.
"You're taking your package."
You're is used for You Are.
your is possesive. It belongs to you.
"Then I would rather have this than that."
Then is when.
Than shows comparision
"It's too late.
"It's to late.
"There are two ways to look at this, too."
Two is a number
too can be substituted with ALSO
to works otherwise.
And it's is It IS.
These are just a few pet peeves. I see these mistakes often on this board and others.
I am not a expert on grammer, but I know these and it bugs me to see educated people use them wrong.