What is sat 119 for?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 16, 2004
What channels does it provide or what does it do?

I notice that 110 for me gets great signal all the time, even though bad weather, but 119 always has a low signal on transponder 12 and good signal on 11. However, when it rains both transponders on 119 go pretty low.

Also, I am getting problems with the dvr 522 locking sometimes when I try and use it. If I have let it sit for a little bit and use the guides or something the whole box will lock for a couple seconds then come back. I checked the temps and its fine, warm/cool the the touch.

I am in Florida if it matters :) Thx
Well this link will tell you what channels are on what bird.

I live in the Tampabay area and I get good signal on both 110 and 119. You might have to tweak your dish a bit.

Note - Just checked my signals with alot of cloud cover and light rain and I got:

110= 11 - 109
12 - 113

119= 11 - 119
12 - 113

Not to bad for being a nasty day out :D
To put it another way, 119 carries AT60 and AT120 (except for a few channels), the audio only channels, and most of the premiums. You don't get to choose which satellite or transponder to get your programming from.
thiggin2 said:
Well this link will tell you what channels are on what bird.

I live in the Tampabay area and I get good signal on both 110 and 119. You might have to tweak your dish a bit.

Note - Just checked my signals with alot of cloud cover and light rain and I got:

110= 11 - 109
12 - 113

119= 11 - 119
12 - 113

Not to bad for being a nasty day out :D

See, something has to be wrong with my dish .. in bad weather I am getting signals in the 80's...

With good weather I am getting in the 90's, more around 99. However, that one transponder(12 on 119) is always low no matter what with a signal around 85 and around 70 in bad weather.
It also depends on what receiver you are using. Some have graphs that go 0-100 and others are 0-125.

A reading of 95 on the first would be somewhere around 118 on the second.
Mine goes to 125 and I NEVER!!!!!!! see anything above 100. The highest a signal has been for me is around 98 on the clearest of days.

Last night with it raining a little the signal was down to 68 on sat 119 trans 12 and 75 on trans 11. Sat 110 was around 85ish for both 11-12.
I'd say you need to make sure your connections are weather tight and if you feel like you can I'd tweak the dish to get the best signal possible. But from what I see in your other post you just had the system installed a few weeks back. I would call E* or the installer and tell them your weak signals on light rainy days and see if they can come back out to tweak it for you.
Just called up and someone is going to come to check it :) Funny though cause the person over the phone kept trying to tell me that signal didnt matter. They kept saying that if my signal is 125 or 20 it wouldnt matter cause if it rains its going down no matter what... heh
Pyrophoric said:
Just called up and someone is going to come to check it :) Funny though cause the person over the phone kept trying to tell me that signal didnt matter. They kept saying that if my signal is 125 or 20 it wouldnt matter cause if it rains its going down no matter what... heh
In a sense they are right. If it rains hard enough you will lose your signal. Where they missed the boat is that signal strength determines how hard "hard enough" is. If you have a low enough signal strength a wispy cloud passing between the satellite and your dish will be enough to block the signal. If you have a strong signal it will take a strong downpour to block signal.
Thats what I was meaning :)

This rep was basically saying that my signal has nothing to do with my service going off from weather. She was trying to tell me that if I have a signal str. of 125 its going to shut my service off just as easy if I have a signal str of 50.

I was trying to tell her that all I wanted was to get a higher str. signal cause I know that the higher the signal the better chance I have of making it through a storm with little or no problems.

I mean, just last night we had a tiny rain storm and the sat. 119 signal went from 80 to around 50. So that would mean that if in the SAME storm if I had a starting signal of 110 then the storm would have knocked me down to 80 and that would have been working somewhat well.

She went on to say that the signal I have is the best I can get and I will not be able to get a better signal.

Bottom line, she was either trying to prevent a truck from coming out here or she was really new to the whole dish thing. My thought is she was trying to prevent someone from having to come since I am still in my 90 day period and dont have to pay for them to come out.

Oh well, they are coming so lets hope they can get me a better signal.

Side note, the first tech that came out never actually checked the signal on my box before he left. I , not knowing how to check it yet, didnt think twice about it untill I asked around here. All he checked was that I got the stations I was supposed to and then left.

Edit : Almost forgot, the tech rep wouldnt help me point my dish or fix it myself so I was wondering ... if I am having a problem with the signal from sat 119 what should I think to do to fix that? Meaning, could the dish need to be moved a little or could it be the dish itself?

I am not having much problem with 110 but 119 is always low and gets in the 40-50's in small storms.
The rep is a typical untrained worse than useless type giving bad info.

If a tech is coming to re-peak the dish, watch what they do - that's your best bet for the first learning step. Then maybe post back with questions.
Cool, will do that.

I am hoping a diff tech comes out cause I honestly think the whole dish needs to be moved. I am in an apt with a front yard type deal and he put the dish close the the house. Now, I dont care where it goes but its sooo close that it looks like it doesnt even clear the sight of the roof. It really looks as if the top inch of the dish can see over the roof and the rest is blocked.

Oh well, will see what happens Sat :)

Thx all for the info btw :)
The dish does not "look" where you would think it is "looking" by looking at it. :D

Go into the bathroom and look straight into the mirror. You're looking straight into your eyes. Now keep your eyes straight ahead and turn your head to one side. You are now looking at the wall, and it's not the section of wall opposite the spot on the mirror you are looking at it is further along in the direction your head is turned. That is if you stand at position "a" and look at the mirror at position "b" you will see the wall at position "c" not "e".
/  |  \
a  e  c
The ASCII art works correctly in the preview window but not the actual post. But you should get the idea.

The same principal applies to the dish. The LNB is not looking straight into the dish but rather from below resulting in the dish seeing a spot in the sky above where it seems to be looking.

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