As for Lou, kicking dirt on umps, that has been going on for years... I did not see it and don't know what got him tossed, but suspensions and getting tossed seem to be coming way to easily of late.
I think once again the UMPs want to show players and managers up and show that they can do whatever they want to them.
Example: Sheffield gets tossed for throwing a broken bat handle into the ground once the bat broke, I'd be pissed to, it was a critical situation.
Then While Leyland goes out to do what he's suppose to to help his player, VERLANDER , who's NOT EVEN PLAYING gets tossed.
An Ump can toss you for debating balls and strikes, and thats fine, but the other stuff is rediculous ..... let the TEAMS determine the games and the playoff chase (this happened to be against Cleveland, at the time, both teams were either in 1st or a game or two out.
As for the Cubs, they will continue to lose, as they always do ...
The game has NOT passes Lou by, he will undoubtibly manage the NY Yankees next year IF the Cubs are dumb enough to get rid of him.