I kept most of my xbox games. Not this time around. Once I finish a 360 game or a new version is coming out, I decided to sell them and use the money towards a new title.
Usually they gather dust, but sometimes for a really good game I'll dust it off and replay it. Usually during those drought periods where nothing good comes out.
Play online, if it is an option. I rarely trade as the percentage you get back is kind of poor. Then of course there is the other hobby that most nerds are infamous for, lol just joking I have a girl.
Console games, I used to play them alot and when I finished one if I did it went to gamestop or what ever it used to be called but that changed last year when I found the trade in prices to be less than acceptable. Now Im an online gamer playing a handful of games one of wich you have to get to level 1000 and defeat a really nasty boss.