what are these signals that have sound but square random blocks of video on the screen?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Apr 16, 2010
saint charles, missouri
occasionally i would have them on k band but now that i have c band also there are more of them. are they dbs-2 signals that i have to configure my receiver for? i have the solomend pvr-800 which is dbs-2 compatible. charlie
Sounds like your dish needs some tweaking. The dish needs to be tuned really well for DVB S-2. What size is it?

Maybe your frequency and/or symbol rates are off a wee bit. Look at Lyngsat or SatHint for proper settings.

Please describe your dish, LNB, the satellite you're aimed at, the channel you're trying to get, and the settings on your receiver.
If I read this correctly, you could be getting 4:2:2 video. Try recording one of those. Then play it back on your computer with VLC player. If it plays, then you are on a 4:2:2 signal and the AZ box can do that.
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