They are pretty vague on the website of what they are trying to accomplish. Is this trying to allow the telephone companies to provide FIOS type services?
It is a scam (or sham front) from the TV4US coalition lobby group, aimed to get you to voice opposition of removing 'Net Neutrality'. Do NOT send any form letters from that site. Send your own personal messages voicing your position!
It is a scam (or sham front) from the TV4US coalition lobby group, aimed to get you to voice opposition AGAINST 'Net Neutrality'. This is NOT a good thing for consumers. Do NOT send any form letters from that site.
Unless you look into the subject a little more and convince yourself that all the noise around net neutrality doesn't have anything to do with protecting you consumer but it is all about protecting some big business (Gooogle, Microsoft, Yahoo,...) in which case you should write to your senators.
My point is that I find it hard to back any company that must hide their message behind viral or scam messages and try to trick us. Which ever side you fall on I still would never recommend sending and signing any form letter to be sent on my behalf with an operation like this; but by all means use your own brains and own words to speak your own mind, that is always a better idea. AND I edited my original post to reflect a better comment to that fact that REMOVING net neutrality may be bad for cunsumers and my original post may not have shown that. TY!