well unfortunately, it was not my choice-so I'm stuck with 400gb of programming I can't watch. I had a sinking suspicion that the salesguy who pitched it to my parents lied when he said it would work-no problem-and when the install guy came, he almost laughed at me when I asked if it was transferable/usable. So I laughed right back at him when he said the UV dvr records "hundreds of hours" because it's only 233-ish, and when I told him how we had filled up our dvr and external drive(more than once). So now we have to be super diligent about watching everything and not letting it pile up. I'm not in love with the UV setup and dvr boxes either, with the separate boxes that all tie into one and the limited menu choices and personalization. I don't foresee us going back because my parents are getting a bundle discount so I guess I'll wipe my drive and use it for something else. Thanks everyone!!