Wanting to get into C-Band. Help?

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New Member
Original poster
Dec 7, 2011
Hello everyone, as you can see I am the new guy around here. Well, I have a question for you guys. I am wanting to get my hands on a C-Band dish, but I was wondering how I could get a start on this. I am actually attempting to get on to the AMC 11 satellite, so I figured I'll need a dish that is 6' or larger for a somewhat clear signal. I am completely new to this and overwhelmed. For those of you interested, I am around the Lansing, Michigan area. But are there any good tips I could get for this? I would prefer a smaller setup because I am limited on space, and need to get the dish high in the air (I am surrounded by trees:rant:).

Anyways, hope I can get some advice.

Amc11 huh? What there are you looking for-QVC? There are a few here that hail from Michigan. Have to find out if they have any 6 ft experience.
I am actually looking at The Weather Channel's SD feed. The video is not encrypted as far as I know (I can do fine without audio. If this all could be verified, that'd be wonderful. Not really wanting to go on a hunt for a VC2 that is activated for it, as all I really want is the video). Mainly just a fun thing to do in my spare time, as I don't mind investing $100 or $200 into this little project.

As for getting my hands on a dish... would Craigslist be my best bet as a novice to the world of satellite television?
You might want to consider amc3/ses2.(3741/v/sr14400) There is both SD and HD channels of Weather Nation on this sat in the clear. Strong signal.
You might want to consider amc3/ses2.(3741/v/sr14400) There is both SD and HD channels of Weather Nation on this sat in the clear. Strong signal.
I would, but I need the baseband signal and VBI that is on TWC's SD feed on AMC11. I also checked the coordinates for AMC11. I don't think I can do it. My back yard has too many trees, and I don't think my neighbors would like me if I mounted it in the front :p The roof is still a possibility...

All I am really in need of is the baseband signal from what would come from the VideoCipher II. I have some transponders that rely on TWC SD on AMC 11. As I don't think there is anyway to stream the baseband data over the internet, I will need to get a satellite (which I have no problem doing, honestly. It's a cool hobby! :p I'd have a lot of fun with this stuff, but my lot is in the worst spot ever for this...)
The Weather Channel's SD feed. The video is not encrypted as far as I know
It's been a while since I've had the analog IRD hooked up, but pretty sure it was encrypted. Maybe someone has theirs hooked up yet and can confirm(?)
(finding)a VC2 that is activated for it
Think that could be classified as unobtainium
stream the baseband data over the internet,
Which, if done without consent, could put you in hot water with a copyright infringement lawsuit.
would Craigslist be my best bet
Craigslist, freecycle and some local sites. Or just take a drive in the country with a sharp eyed passenger on the lookout. Knock and ask,
Neighbors>>Another thing to check- is there local restrictions on dishes over 1 meter across? (not protected by OTARD) Some localities, HOA's, or landlords may deny installing a large dish if they can be seen from the street, or worse, totally.
So yes, getting a dish would be my best bet (legally and morally...). I have a friend with a C-Band dish who said that the video feed was not encrypted, but the audio is encrypted (which makes no sense). I'll need to ask him about that again. My biggest problem right now is just getting a dish, and finding a place to put it. Roof mounting would be my only hope, but being that it's winter makes me think that's a bad idea :p.

Also, I don't believe that we have any restrictions in my area regarding the size of a dish.
Wow, a roof mounted 6 foot dish.
Consider the wind loading.
I don't think I would try it on a conventional wood framed residential structure.
Solid dish roof mount. You would have to run the mounting pole all the way to the ground and bury it 5 feet in the ground with concrete. Then you need to cut a hole throught the soffit and do some serious blocking to make sure the dish doesn't move. All in All I think it would be cheaper to buy a chain saw.
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