Hang this in the living room and you'll be hosting parties for all the big sporting events.
Hang this in the living room and you'll be hosting parties for all the big sporting events.
A 70W-inch Plasma Display Panel (PDP) television, model PS70X4H. According to G.S. Choi, president of Samsung Electronics' Digital Media Network, the 70-inch PDP TV will be available in the spring or summer of next year. The display should be priced around $25,000 to $30,000 at retail, "but [the pricing] is very tentative," he noted, and will be determined by competitive pressures and future production efficiencies. Jim Sanduski, visual media products marketing VP, noted that the 70W-inch display features 1,920 by 1,080 progressive scan, is less than 4 inches deep and is quiet, due to its fanless design.