TVNewsCheck, March 10, 2015 6:53 PM EDT
W45EC-D Erie, Pa. — PRICE: $37,500 BUYER: DTV America Corp. (John Kyle II, president) SELLER: Channel 45 Media Association(Michael Tonges, managing partner) BROKER: Kristina Bruni of Bella Spectra Corp FACILITIES: DTVCh. 30, 1.700 kW, ant.
I happened to catch this today
W45EC-D Erie, Pa. — PRICE: $37,500 BUYER: DTV America Corp. (John Kyle II, president) SELLER: Channel 45 Media Association(Michael Tonges, managing partner) BROKER: Kristina Bruni of Bella Spectra Corp FACILITIES: DTVCh. 30, 1.700 kW, ant.
I happened to catch this today