The installer is here now putting in the Voom system. He's outside installing the antenna now. We can't get the video to show up coming through any of the 3 component inputs on my television. (I don't have a DVI input.) I know they work on the tv because two are being used by the DVD player & XBox.
I read somewhere that the Voom box defaults to 720p, and my television only supports 1080i. I'm thinking that might be the problem. I don't see any options to change the output though. Can anyone tell me how to do it? We have a picture right now coming through the RF coax temporarily.
I read somewhere that the Voom box defaults to 720p, and my television only supports 1080i. I'm thinking that might be the problem. I don't see any options to change the output though. Can anyone tell me how to do it? We have a picture right now coming through the RF coax temporarily.