conference call i had today...
"you are REQUIRED to hook phone lines. if a customer doesnt want a phone line hooked up, you need to call your supervisor and then they will explain why it needs to be hooked up"
OH GREAT!! piss off the customer and when it comes to survey, i'll get a negative comment for bringing in my TL to explain why they need it.
i was face to face with my regional manager (which i have know since ive started as he was a tech like me then)... i told him flat out, i dont hook phone line unless theres a jack already there.. if there isnt one, im not getting PHONE LINE LABOR pay...
I told him, you know you and me go way back and i know you complained about hooking phone lines back then, I know its your JOB to enforce this but honestly, if i wanted to work with phone lines, id work for Qwest. but theres a reason why im not working for them.
more and more people are just using cell phones if internet is not needed through phone lines.
alot are through cable internet or satellite. I just ended my landline service as i hardly use it. saves me 30.00 a month.