VIP622 might have bought the farm..


SatelliteGuys Master
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Mar 15, 2005
Beta Omicron Delta III
I have a purchased used Vip622 for about 4 years now. No contract. Tonight, I tried to watch a recorded show on the internal hard-drive, it was the Hawaii 5-0 premiere.

It plays about 2-3 or so minutes, and then locks up the receiver tight. No buttons respond, either front panel or remote (except the reboot button) I did just a front panel reboot, which took 12 minutes or so, I gave up, and did a power cord pull-reset, and it finally came back up. MUCH longer than a regular front panel reset normally takes. After it came back up, I tried watching the same show. It locked up at about the same place in the show. Front panel reset didn't bring it back this time either. It cycles, lights up one light on the front panel, goes blank again, sits there, brings up 1 light again, etc, etc. I've finally unplugged the receiver, and am waiting for it to possibly cool-down.

If I get the receiver back up, I'm going to try a different show first, and see what happens. Is there a possibility that it's a corrupted recording, or is it more likely that the receiver is finally on it's way out?
I'm thinking its on the way out, how much recording time do you have left?
reason I ask is I have seen them act strange when there is very little space left on the hard drive.

It has an upgraded, much larger hard-drive in it that I installed over a year ago. At present, there's around 37 hours HD left, and 233 hours SD. There's 6 - 2 hour movies recorded, and 47 - 1 hour tv shows, almost all of which are HD, just on the internal drive. I have now plugged it back in after waiting 30 minutes, and it came right back up as normal. I have since watched a different 1 hour show all the way through, and am starting on another. No issues as of yet.

I have NOT yet tried to re-watch Hawaii 5-0, to see if it locks up yet again on that show. I suspect it will when I finally do it, which will be right after I finish this show I'm watching now.
Ok, it was definitely the Hawaii 5-0 premiere show that's corrupted. Every time I tried to play it, it locked up the receiver tight. I've now deleted it. Guess I'll try for a rerun, or watch it online.

That was an odd one! I've had recorded shows do some weird things, but I've never had one lock up the receiver so tight, that it didn't even reboot properly.. I think it was still trying to process the bad recording after rebooting, and was VERY confused. Or, maybe there's a bad spot on my drive, I guess I'll find out eventually, once something else gets recorded on the same spot.
No kidding. Usually I just get a pop-up saying the signal has been lost.

No pop-ups, like from a signal loss. It just stopped. Same place every time. The very last time (3rd try), I kept hitting the PAUSE, then PLAY buttons over and over, it finally actually moved 1 scene/frame twice, then locked up again. I then hit STOP over and over, until it actually brought up the menu. I then deleted it. So, if I had waited long enough the first time, and watched carefully, I may finally have seen it move that 1 frame, and then I would have known it was still trying to process it. The strangest thing, is that it wouldn't let me break out of it easily as with a usual bad program/spot.
I would bet it is a bad spot on the drive. You might try to ff past that part and see if it will continue.

I did try that, it didn't work. I've since deleted the show. The drive isn't that old, since I installed a new one a year or so ago. Of course, that doesn't mean it couldn't develop a bad spot, so that's always possible. I could move everything to the external drive, and then re-initialize the internal drive, so it re-formats it. Maybe if there is a bad spot, the reformat will catch it, and mark it bad.

I'm going to let it go for now, and see what happens over the next few months.
I did try that, it didn't work. I've since deleted the show. The drive isn't that old, since I installed a new one a year or so ago. Of course, that doesn't mean it couldn't develop a bad spot, so that's always possible. I could move everything to the external drive, and then re-initialize the internal drive, so it re-formats it. Maybe if there is a bad spot, the reformat will catch it, and mark it bad.

I'm going to let it go for now, and see what happens over the next few months.

I think I would've left the bad show in place. My reason is nothing would try to record over the bad spot again. Now you may have another show do the same thing to you. Then move all the shows to another HDD. Then format will mark a bad spot hopefully.
In the first days of digital OTA, I had a problem with the CW channel. You could play and pause but anything else set it back to the beginning. Impossible to skip commercials--took a long time to see Smallville, a year ago or so? (Last season and getting weirder.) I could also see this causing reboots. It was a bad OTA recording. If not OTA, then I don't know.
A couple of years ago, my 622 started doing this.

A few days later the entire HDD died.

IMMEDIATELY back up all programs you want to save (assuming you have the EHD archive subscribed).
I have a purchased used Vip622 for about 4 years now. No contract. Tonight, I tried to watch a recorded show on the internal hard-drive, it was the Hawaii 5-0 premiere.

It plays about 2-3 or so minutes, and then locks up the receiver tight. No buttons respond, either front panel or remote (except the reboot button) I did just a front panel reboot, which took 12 minutes or so, I gave up, and did a power cord pull-reset, and it finally came back up. MUCH longer than a regular front panel reset normally takes. After it came back up, I tried watching the same show. It locked up at about the same place in the show. Front panel reset didn't bring it back this time either. It cycles, lights up one light on the front panel, goes blank again, sits there, brings up 1 light again, etc, etc. I've finally unplugged the receiver, and am waiting for it to possibly cool-down.

If I get the receiver back up, I'm going to try a different show first, and see what happens. Is there a possibility that it's a corrupted recording, or is it more likely that the receiver is finally on it's way out?

Ok, it's definately a bad harddrive, and it took it's final dump. It started acting up again yesterday with "total signal loss" errors while watching a recording, then it would reboot. I was able to hook up an external drive, and copy off all but about 5 recordings, so I'm ok there. I then tried to run the HDD short diagnostics, and it failed with a 600 HDD_READ_ERROR. Now, I can't even boot up the receiver at all. All I get is 2 binking red lights on the front (tv1 and tv2). Anybody know any secret way to maybe hold down certain front panel buttons, then power up, and it'll wipe the NVRAM? This is an owned receiver, and I'll probably have to swap it out, but I'd like to at least get it going over the weekend. It was working, except for the drive problems, until I ran the drive diags. Guess I should have ran re-format right away instead. I figure if I call Dish today, I'll probably get India, and who knows what will happen then.

Any help???
Since it won't come all the way up anymore, I can't use the remote control commands to get to the NVRAM screen and wipe it.
Ok, it's definately a bad harddrive, and it took it's final dump. It started acting up again yesterday with "total signal loss" errors while watching a recording, then it would reboot. I was able to hook up an external drive, and copy off all but about 5 recordings, so I'm ok there. I then tried to run the HDD short diagnostics, and it failed with a 600 HDD_READ_ERROR. Now, I can't even boot up the receiver at all. All I get is 2 binking red lights on the front (tv1 and tv2). Anybody know any secret way to maybe hold down certain front panel buttons, then power up, and it'll wipe the NVRAM? This is an owned receiver, and I'll probably have to swap it out, but I'd like to at least get it going over the weekend. It was working, except for the drive problems, until I ran the drive diags. Guess I should have ran re-format right away instead. I figure if I call Dish today, I'll probably get India, and who knows what will happen then.

Any help???
Since it won't come all the way up anymore, I can't use the remote control commands to get to the NVRAM screen and wipe it.

This post will be long, but perhaps it'll eventually help somebody else with the same issue.

Ok, after I posted the above message, I started just searching the web in general for this same issue. I discovered a posting that mentioned plugging in a thumb drive, and that it would allow the menu to come up. It didn't work for me. I tried both front and rear USB ports, and several different known-good thumb drives. I then opened up my receiver, and unplugged the bad 500gig drive I had installed in mid April 2009 (which was a brand-new Seagate ST3500830SCE from Computer Geeks). Really sucks that it only lasted 1.5 years. After plugging the receiver back in, it still had the 2 blinking red lights in tandem. I then powered down again, and reinstalled the original Maxtor 320gb drive that the receiver came with, it's just sitting loose on top of the receiver, on a small cardboard pad so it can't short out. Powered back up, no difference, still blinking lights....

Ok, at this point, I called Dish, India tech or bust, crap. I got an India tech..... I described what was going on very slow and carefully. She kept repeating it back WRONG, which started to piss me off, but I remained calm (I used to work a computer helpdesk, so incompetence at even that level drives me nuts. What's so hard about hearing something right, and repeating it correctly?). She eventually mentioned that the receiver was in "boot recovery mode", and that it would clear in about 4 hours. She said at that point, to power cycle it before turning it on past the screen-saver mode. So, If I had left it alone in the beginning, I might have at least got it booted much sooner. Anyway, 4 hours finally passed from the last time I messed with it. The 2 lights stopped blinking and turned off, and screen-saver mode came up, like she said. I power cycled it by pulling the power cord, waited 1 minute, and plugged it back in. It was back to the 2 blinking lights! ARGGGGGHHHH!!!

Ok, I determined to wait ANOTHER 4 hours, and I did. This time the 2 blinking lights stopped blinking, but stayed on steady. Screen-saver mode was back! I hit the Power button on the remote, and it came up. It gave me the "hard-drive is corrupt, press select, and drive will format, and receiver will reboot" message. I did that, it worked for a minute or so, then rebooted. When it came back up, we are back to the 2 blinking lights! ARGGGGGHHHH again!!! It's now almost 11pm at night, so I said screw this, and went to bed. This morning, it was back to screen-saver mode. I powered up, and could watch channels. I did the remote sequence to "Clear NVRAM" that worked, and it said to power cycle it. I wanted to make sure that old error code was cleared out, and hoped that would do it. I then power cycled it, it came back up, and I'm back in business! I had to go and re-do all my default settings through the menus, but it all worked. I then tried a small 3 minute recording, and that also worked! I then plugged in my external hard-drive, and I could access the recordings I had moved there the day before.

So, back up and running for now, albeit with the smaller original drive the receiver came with when I bought it. That's ok for now however, at least it works. So, I'll eventually have to power it down again, and reinstalled this drive internally, and replace the case. Hopefully that will also go ok.... When this drive eventually goes, I'm going to just have Dish replace the whole receiver. It appears to be nearly impossible to find replacement drives anymore, unless you are willing to pay like $150 or so, for the few places that have them. I'm no longer willing to do that, there's just no advantage to OWNING the receiver anymore anyway. Yeah, I don't have a contract, and never did, but it's been about 4 years, so I would have been clear of a contract by now anyway...
...I had installed in mid April 2009 (which was a brand-new Seagate ST3500830SCE from Computer Geeks)...

...It appears to be nearly impossible to find replacement drives anymore, unless you are willing to pay like $150 or so, for the few places that have them.


Amazon $55 is a drive matching the one you installed.

***EDIT*** I see this is a different drive, but the specs are close, should it not work also?
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Amazon $55 is a drive matching the one you installed.

***EDIT*** I see this is a different drive, but the specs are close, should it not work also?

No, that drive won't work. There is a very specific list of drives (and specific EXACT model numbers in that group, close isn't good enough) that will work in Dish dvr's, and that varies by which model dvr it is. The list isn't very big, and those specific drives are getting almost impossible to find. If you check here in Technical, you will find several postings that denote which drives will work.
No, that drive won't work. There is a very specific list of drives (and specific EXACT model numbers in that group, close isn't good enough) that will work in Dish dvr's, and that varies by which model dvr it is. The list isn't very big, and those specific drives are getting almost impossible to find. If you check here in Technical, you will find several postings that denote which drives will work.

So E* programs the DVRs to only recognize certain HDDs. Thanks.
I bought a brand new ST3500312CS Seagate Pipeline 500GB drive for $49.99 on Ebay, and installed it today. I noticed this drive is about 1/2 the thickness of the previous drive. It also is supposed to stay much cooler, etc. These drives are readily available brand new, and it works fine in my VIP622 dvr. So, for people needing replacement drives, that model is the best one going for now. Hopefully, it'll last longer than the 1.5 years my previous ST3500830SCE 500gb drive lasted. I'm testing that bad one with Seatools all day, and it has massive errors I can't repair, so I'm going to junk it.
Awesome, I just found out the bad ST3500830SCE 500gb drive had a 5 year warranty direct from Seagate! I just sent it back to them, and they are going to send me a free replacement. So, I'll have an extra drive for the future, or for whatever. They also told me the replacement will take over the remaining warranty until Sept. 2013! Guess I should have checked this before buying a new drive, but oh well, it doesn't bother me that much.
I bought a brand new ST3500312CS Seagate Pipeline 500GB drive for $49.99 on Ebay, and installed it today. I noticed this drive is about 1/2 the thickness of the previous drive. It also is supposed to stay much cooler, etc. These drives are readily available brand new, and it works fine in my VIP622 dvr. So, for people needing replacement drives, that model is the best one going for now. Hopefully, it'll last longer than the 1.5 years my previous ST3500830SCE 500gb drive lasted. I'm testing that bad one with Seatools all day, and it has massive errors I can't repair, so I'm going to junk it.

ST3500312CS Pipeline HD 500-GB Hard Drive | Seagate

Did you loose all your timers when you installed the new drive?


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