I figured that, just a bunch of episodes of Live PD I haven't watched. Can't even find them online since the show was cancelled. Thought I'd give it a try though.<taps>
I figured that, just a bunch of episodes of Live PD I haven't watched. Can't even find them online since the show was cancelled. Thought I'd give it a try though.<taps>
That's normal for a working disk.I am able to see the drive in disk management, but it doesn't show up under "my computer".
That's not normal and I don't know why it does not.PVR Explorer pro doesn't see it either.
If you can see the disk on that computer, then I think it's spun up and likely healthy. You may be able to hear it spinning. If PVR Explorer Pro doesn't see that file system, then I don't know why.I can't get the drive to spin up until it is plugged into a usb port. I have a powered sata to usb adapter, but it wont spin until connected to my laptop. I tried using a powered usb hub, but that didn't work either. Unless the hub is bad. It is old. Tried on both Windows 7 & 10.
I cancelled my DISH account with my owned Hopper3 last month. I left it hooked up because I wanted a back up for my ota recordings on a couple of channels. I was still getting all my ota channels and recordings fine ,but only 103 channel from DISH for the satellite. Everything else is not authorized if you select it. I also had my external hard drive unplugged when I cancelled and just plugged it back in this week and guess what? I can see all my internal recordings and any of the shows and movies I had on the external hard drive too. So my hopper is my back up ota dvr and for all the movies on external drive and still use the access channels for Netflix and Amazon Prime and You tube.Until the internal timer says “phone home” (even by Internet) and that fails. Then bye bye recordings.