You may want to read this thread
In a nut shell you listed two receives that can get 10 different transponders on upto 10 sats. I have one of these receivers. I bought it off E-bay before getting to this forum. The more moder receivers can hold many more transponders, are pre-programed, and some can scan for new transponders, power/blind search.
To get the receiver working there is some programming that needs to be done.
1. Pick the sat to receive
2. Program a transponder to receive by looking it up at In this case pick IA5
This is Ku band so look for ones 11000 + on the left side.
11836000, V or 13/14 volts, SR 20765
3. Find a signal meter to help point the dish.
I can be done with the build in meter BUT more time is needed and a compass will help.
4. Use a program like Satfinder to find where the sat are for your zip, or just tell us yours or one near you and someone may post a list of them?
5. Set the elevation of the dish, up and down tilt, make sure the mount (pipe) is plum.
6 Turn the dish until you hear the meter buzz. Turn the knob on the meter down a bit to lower the sensitivity of it and re-point the dish again. NOTE: go to the signal page on the receiver to see what quality you are getting. The strength will most likely stay consistent. The meter get you in the ball park. After that move the dish around REAL slow. Elevation may also need to be changed a bit.
7. Once the quality goes up wait until the channel scan in.
8. Program more transponders in. 10 total. 0-9
Also this receiver can be used on 119W by changing the LO to 11250 so that DTV/Dish Network LNBFs can be used.
TelStar-5 said:
I have a family member who bought 2 of these units off ebay . I took some of my time trying to get one of these units working on telstar5 with no luck. Have any of you ever got any of these units to work ? thanks