Very Bad Experience with FTAdirect

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New Member
Original poster
Oct 27, 2005
Alright, so I just got my Viewsat yesterday. I had ordered a platinum about 2 weeks ago. So I opened the package all excited, but instead I saw the original, old black model. Now I know that the differences are very minor. But still, the platinum was advertised and that's what I expected. Instead I was sent the older model.

If your going to pick one up, DO NOT pick it up from FTADIRECT. Horrible experience with them. I'll let you in on my story. So like I said, I got the older model instead of the platinum. I wasn't even terribly upset, just a little annoyed. Here's what pissed me off. I gave them a phone call and FINALLY got through the lines, and the salesman didn't apoligize, but just said that he would look into it and send the information to his head office where they would respond to me via e-mail later that night. Well I just got an e-mail this morning from them and this is what it said....

We have contacted our warehouse regarding your Viewsat purchase and it is
absolutely impossible that you were sent an older Viewsat. We ran out of stock
on the previous viewsats in September and there simply were not any of the
previous model to send. We cannot possibly ship what we do not have.
Thank you

I swear, I was this close to punching a hole through my computer screen. Well this is the response I gave them...

This is absolutely Ridiculous! WHY in the world would I make up such a story? If I got the correct version, why would I be complaining??? I KNOW that there are 2 versions of the viewsat! I am very informed. The ORIGINAL viewsat was a BLACK BOX with NO power switch on the back or optical out. The NEW VIEWSAT PLATINUM is a new box that is SILVER in colour and has a power switch on the back. I am NOT COLOUR BLIND!! THIS BOX IS BLACK. THERE IS NO POWER SWITCH ON THE BACK. DO NOT ACCUSE ME OF LYING TO YOU. I AM EVEN MORE FURIOUS NOW THAN EVER. I post at multiple discussion forums which advertise your product and I will definately post my experience with you people. If I got the Platinum Model then I would have no reason to complain to you. I am upset because you advertised something and you delivered an older model. Then instead of trying to resolve the issue, you simply accuse me of lying and tell me that it is "impossible". Believe me, I will let MANY people know of my problems with your service and how you respond to this e-mail. Also, i have attached some pictures of this box using my webcam, you can clearly see that it is black. And you can clearly see the absence of the power switch on the back. Your warehouse made a MISTAKE. You should take responsibility for that mistake, not try to deflect the blame on your customers.

So to conclude, the VIEWSAT is a great box. FTADirect are horrible dealers with horrible customer service.
Welcome :wave
Sorry about the experience. What I recommend is send a PM throught this board to ftadirect with the issue.
The login name is the owner and he should be able to help straighten it out for you.
Thanks Iceberg

Thanks for the tip Iceberg. I have contacted him, we'll see what happens.
Pm me!

Hello All.
Once again, if there any problems with an order with us, PM me.. You will always be able to get a hold of us that way, and I can handle your issue without any problems.
Also, thanks for the postive emails to me from our loyal and appreciated customers when they read posts like this :)
I will be in contact with this customer right away to solve his issue.
Thanks again!
Being Resolved

Alright so I posted my problem and was in touch with FTADirect's owner within minutes. Great guy, quick response, very easy going. We're working on resolving the issue and I definately expect everything to work. Box works great, and issue resolved within a day. Definitely changes my opinions of these guys. Thanks for the support, and thanks to Iceberg.
If my questions are out of line please disregard this post. But since you posted in a public forum, I have to ask....

How did it get the wrong receiver? Are there two versions of the platinum model you ordered and one contains a switch and the other does not? Is this item coming in two colors and the black version is just simply using the old case design and thus does not have a switch in back?

Why I ask is I keep seeing this model on eBay. One seller was giving a choice of either black or silver. Other sellers have the VIEWSAT 2000 PLATINUM and show it in black. See here:

Again, if my questions are too bold, I won't be offended if I'm told so.
Tell you

sikhrick said:
Alright so I posted my problem and was in touch with FTADirect's owner within minutes. Great guy, quick response, very easy going. We're working on resolving the issue and I definately expect everything to work. Box works great, and issue resolved within a day. Definitely changes my opinions of these guys. Thanks for the support, and thanks to Iceberg.
What got no use for a liar, on here you say FTA is a great place to do business with and on other sites you talk pure junk about the company was this before you scammed him or not ,,, and dont act like you dont know what I'm talking about or I'll cut and paste what you had to say here for all to see,,, hacking is 1 thing but your a liar and a thief,,, going to ask for more details about your scam and if I;m right going to post it every where I can,,, sent Iceberg the site adress where you posted what I'm wondering did you trade the old for a new and get this site to help you pull off your con of course these good folks took you at your word,,,, maybe you will be hearing from Dishnet before much longer,, couldnt believe you were that dum
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