I want to take this opportunity to thank Robert at Value Electronics for the wonderful job that his installer did with me. He organized all my wires outside and installed 7 receivers... 1 HDTIVO and 2 HD receivers + 4 SD receivers. It was a very professional job. Now I need to learn to TIVO. Quite a different experience from the E* DVRs. BTW, I pulled the plug on E*. Not totally but I have downgrade only to the HD Pack and kept one 6000u receiver. All others receivers are going back to them. If E* can win me over they will have to a better job. As to quality of channels SD/HD, I am not ready to make that assesment between E* and D*. I will get back to you.
Thanks to Robert at Value Electronic for an excellent job and I will recommend very highly.
Thanks to Robert at Value Electronic for an excellent job and I will recommend very highly.