U-Verse Launches In Tulsa - As well as parts of Jenks and Owasso, Oklahoma - dslreports.com
As well as parts of Jenks and Owasso, Oklahoma
AT&T announced this morning that they've launched their VDSL-based IPTV service U-Verse in parts of Tulsa, Jenks and Owasso, Oklahoma. The company says they still plan to pass approximately 30 million living units by the end of 2010, and AT&T hopes to serve more than 1 million customers by year-end 2008. The company now offers the service in parts of 43 markets across 22 states. Prices and bundle packages are available here.
As well as parts of Jenks and Owasso, Oklahoma
AT&T announced this morning that they've launched their VDSL-based IPTV service U-Verse in parts of Tulsa, Jenks and Owasso, Oklahoma. The company says they still plan to pass approximately 30 million living units by the end of 2010, and AT&T hopes to serve more than 1 million customers by year-end 2008. The company now offers the service in parts of 43 markets across 22 states. Prices and bundle packages are available here.