There is a mystery I want to solve. Many of you have stumbled upon this. When tuning 87W there are wide variances in S&Q amongst the transponders. In particular, you tweak ME and THIS and loose RTV on 4080 or 3800. Or the other way around. Now this not what you would expect. I can get METV at 100%Q and not a whiff off RTV. I can get them all, but not as strong as tuning one individual transponder. I'm thinking this is brought out by some inaccuraccy in the dish assembly, ie alignment of the LNBF.
I've read many posts mentioning this problem but never saw one explaining what is happenning here. Could this be exaggerrated by dishes with low F/D ratio? Could there be a situation where say the Scalar ring is really not a constant, one size doesn't fit all? I'd like to nail this down. Do different frequencies take different paths along the same line? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm
I've read many posts mentioning this problem but never saw one explaining what is happenning here. Could this be exaggerrated by dishes with low F/D ratio? Could there be a situation where say the Scalar ring is really not a constant, one size doesn't fit all? I'd like to nail this down. Do different frequencies take different paths along the same line? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm