Toroidal Setup

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 12, 2006
Rainsalot Florida
Ok, I started a new thread because I'm well past the yay I got it phase.. :)

Ok, if we go by the calc on satlex.. then I know where I'm supposed to aim..

I have LNB's at sats 110 (R1.1), 119 (R9.6), 129 (R17.4), and 91 (L21.8)..

I can easily get 110 & 119, my moving the LNB for 129 I can get it close to R18.5 or so and it gets a signal 50-60 or so.. haven't mucked with 91 yet..

This is probably a question that would help a lot of people out. To do minor adjustments what should we mess with?

Should the skew remain untouched? Adjust the dish east & west and it's angle to get proper signal strength?

Which should I adjust to get 129 from R18.5 (roughly) back to R17.4?

I must admit this is kind of fun and irriating at the same time. A rare combo.. :)
once you get the centre one, I would mess with the skew ever so slightly. SInce there isnt definite markings for 90,89,88 (hell even trying to find 90 is odd since there is no marks) I would try the skew a little bit.

Also, just because the rail says "X" spot and technically it should be there, you may have to adjust for best signal. On SBS6 for me, it should be by 19 (93-19=74) yet its at 21 for best signal :)
Well you know what that makes this 100% easier then I was making it.. I was assuming the hardfast rule of where the lnbs would be ..
You peak the two outboard LNB's with skew (129 & 91). Outboard's are a compremise. (Ie a skew of 45 may give you a 9 signal on 129 and 7 on 91. Skew of 46 may give signal of 8 and 8. Skew of 47 may give signal of 7 on 129 and 9 on 91. So the compremise is 8 and 8 at skew of 46)

Maybe even a little elevation, but only a slight amount to peak the outboard LNB's. (You have them both at 8, maybe with a slight elevation change you can get 8.5 on your signal meter)

Azimuth is not adjusted again unless you are recentering the toroidal dish on a different satellite (other than 110).

Markings for LNB's on the rail are often different then Satlex. Their program has been know to mis calculate one side of the Toroidal. Small changes in azimuth also make for different rail positions.
You'll love this.. I would honestly say I've been struggling to get this dish aimmed.. well I decided to try again today, but I've been getting mixed results.. I decided to try the other female coax on the lnbs I'm having issues with and I joyfully find out that some of them have one side thats completely dead.

I'm guessing thats far from normal.. Well now I have 129, 123, 119, 110, 103, 97, and 93 all with signal.. not all the TP's are getting signal, but the strongest on each has at least 60.. only the dbs 110 & 119 have 90's.. I'm guessing either I'm a little to the left or right of where I need to be or a little low or high .. or a mix of both.. I'm guessing my skew is finally right.. seeing as they are all pretty even..
Ok, here's some pictures of where I'm finally at.. :)

Now I need to run a simple pipe into the attic to contain and hide all the cables that need to go into the house from the satellite.. It's easier than drilling a hole for each one and calking it up..


  • Toroidal_Main.JPG
    95.2 KB · Views: 218
  • Toroidal_LNBs.JPG
    103.8 KB · Views: 198
The top of the dish is probably 5 feet from the floor in that picture.. the thing is huge.. pain in the rear to adjust.. but gets some serious signal.. :)

I get around 80's on my dish 500 this thing gets mid to high 90's.. 129 which I'm not supposed to easily get from South Florida.. can get upper 90's with the right adjustments..
Did you get it in writing? hehe

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