tony dungy's oldest son james found dead at age 18


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Jan 25, 2004
Land O Lakes, FL
tampa radio is reporting that tony dungy's oldest son james, age 18 was found dead at his apartment close to the campus of usf. nothing is official, but intial report of the cause of death is suicide. he was found by his girl friend.

God Bless the Dundy family.
he was found at appr 130am, taken to universty community college (hospital is close to the usf campus) and was declared deceased upon arrival.
I said this just last week, when are we going to get a handle on these people who don't take their meds? If they need meds to stay balanced and function in society, they can't just be left alone and trusted to take the meds. Too many deaths from this man, just too many...

It's all over ESPNEWS, Tony won't be coaching this weekend obviously.
Purogamer said:
It's all over ESPNEWS, Tony won't be coaching this weekend obviously.
From the team game perspective, the Colt's can manage just fine with out him. However I'm sure they all will play with a heavy heart.
Most of the starters are sitting anyways, but that's a lot of grief to be playing your first NFL game with.

Does Tony have more kids?
I've talked to Tony many times when he was head coach with the Bucs and it kills me to think that such a good guy and a very good family man can have this happen to them. Why does this always happen to the parents that actually care for their children when many fathers could care less about their children.

This is something I would never wish on any person in the world that is for sure. Well Tony you just have to hang in there and just take it a day at a time now. I haven't been on this site in almost a day and a half and it ticks me off that this is the very first thing I spot.

All Bucs and Colts fans must support Tony in his quest to get through this as best as he and his family can. Also everyone else who wants to support Tony can as well but its our duty as Bucs and Colts fans to pray that he can get through this. Tony I'll never forget what you have done for the Bucs and I just wish I could return that favor but we can't do much in these events.
Tony's a nice guy but let's be honest, someone should have been watching that kid. If you've got a kid that has to take his meds, you need to make sure someone is doing that regardless of how much you trust the kid. He had a mental disorder, you can't put 100% trust into a person with a mental disorder. Terrible way to lose a child when there's no answer. When someone commits suicide everyone blames themselves and that's unfortunate.
Just saw on ESPN this afternoon that James Dungy called 911 back in october and told them he had OD'd on painkillers and that the family may not have known about it.
My brother in law is bipolar and even on his meds hes a handfull. My other brother in law committed suicide after an argument with his dad about his girlfriend. Bipolar runs in the family. Thank God it skipped the females in the family! My thoughts and prayers are with Tony and his family.--Ray
I have a aunt that is bipolar. You never know how to take them. One day there fine and the next minute they are bouncing off the wall. I just hope that the future of medicine will be able to do more for these people. It makes me sick to here people say, get over it, or grow up. Do you think that these people want to be depressed. If you've never dealt with depression then you would never know what its like.
You don't think bipolar could be psycho-sematic (sp?)? Everyone has good days and bad days but to have it so extreme seems kind of fishy sometimes...
Seems like almost everyone is on something anymore, and none of it is any good...If it's on tv, I will never take it...How we just let stuff through the system, let it kill a bunch of people and then recall it, is amazing to me...

I love the one where it's like "Take this and you won't get heartburn, eat whatever sh*t you want"...well here's an idea. Instead of taking such an absurdly obnoxious drug, stop eating the sh*t that's giving you heartburn every time you eat it...People are unhealthy and instead of trying to get healthier, we're just taking pills that we THINK are helping. Great, eat your 3-chili surprise burrito every week and take a pill, enjoy having no stomach when you're 50...
he was also "baker acted" a few months ago for trying to kill him self with pain killers and naproxen. they played the 911 tape and he was very polite about it. he said my mom told me to call you to have my stomach pumped.

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